洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-28 14:27

原帖由 akkchan 於 2008-8-28 12:51 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi 洋蔥頭

I am using Jeff Rowland Continuum 250 + Esoteric X-05 + B&W 805S.Do you think it is worth to add PC-1 (HK$1X,XXX) to my gear?Is the sound more quiet, clear and detail?Is it really at...

Dear akkchan hing,

Adding PC-1 is a MUST!!!!You will feel that your Continuum 250 will become more dynamic and powerful in every aspects.I think the performance on adding PC-1 (just 1x,xxx) SHOULD be better than replacing a better speakers, cables and other Hi-Fi stuffs.

For me, I am using PC-1 in my Concerto and found that the performance is around 50% better than no PC-1.You can't find an equipment that can push up your Hi-Fi performance for 50% by only $1x,xxx.

Anyway, I recommend you should go to the dealer/reseller and listen first.

But I have 100% confidence that you will become poisoned after listening to PC-1.

BTW, why don't you consider Continuum 500 last time?

akkchan 發表於 2008-8-29 13:23

原帖由 洋蔥頭 於 2008-8-28 14:27 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Dear akkchan hing,

Adding PC-1 is a MUST!!!!You will feel that your Continuum 250 will become more dynamic and powerful in every aspects.I think the performance on adding PC-1 (just 1x,xxx) SHO ...

Dear 洋蔥頭

Many thanks for your helpful advice.I will go and test it soon.

With regard to not choosing Continuum 500, it is because out of my budget by HK$2X,XXX and learn that bookshelf speaker is not necessary to push by 500W.Also, someone said that 250 + PC-1 is better than 500 (especially for bookshelf speaker).

Thanks again for your help!

cmsjkung 發表於 2008-8-29 21:33

Oh 洋蔥頭

Your centre and front speakers have been sold....... and got new toy..... Come on I still think..... what I should buy and you already got the new toy again...... :L :L :L

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-1 10:08

原帖由 akkchan 於 2008-8-29 13:23 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

Dear 洋蔥頭

Many thanks for your helpful advice.I will go and test it soon.

With regard to not choosing Continuum 500, it is because out of my budget by HK$2X,XXX and learn that bookshelf speake ...

akkchan hing,

Yes.Some of the ppls said that Continuum 250 + PC-1 has more dynamic sound than Continuum 500 since Continuum 500 only contains part of PC-1 (not entire PC-1 components).But after I heard this both setting, I think that Continuum 500 can drive the speakers in excellent way especially on 805s and JMLab Utopia series.So I can confirm that the amp in more watt can drive the bookshelf speakers better.

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-1 10:16

原帖由 cmsjkung 於 2008-8-29 21:33 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Oh 洋蔥頭

Your centre and front speakers have been sold....... and got new toy..... Come on I still think..... what I should buy and you already got the new toy again...... :L :L :L

cmsjkung hing,

I used my 805s and HTM2 for almost 3 years.I think it is the best time for me to taste another things.. hehee...

Anyway, what sort of sound do you like? more punchy bass? natural sound? more dynamic?Maybe this can helps you to choose the best amps and speakers. Smilies010

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-5 11:34

My new toys are just arrived early this week. :D Smilies005

Focal JMLab Micro Utopia 25th Anniversary Edition

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-5 11:35

Focal JMLab Electra CC 1000 Be (Black colour special edition)

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-9-11 23:51

My final setup is here!!!

wil-wil 發表於 2008-9-12 00:17

Woo...!How much for your new toy?

poonwingkeen 發表於 2008-9-12 10:58

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查看完整版本: 洋蔥頭家庭影院及器材史 (最新組合 13 Nov 2011)

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