洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-11 21:52

OK.I would like to share my 1st AV setting in my real home now.

The following is my first AV system when I had my own new house - YOHO Town.

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-11 21:53

More photos of my 1st AV setting. :lol

cmsjkung 發表於 2008-8-14 19:17

Hi 洋蔥頭

How much are they, where I can buy them with cheaper price, please advise....... If you buy them again, you will choose the same thing or you have other suggestions
前置: B&W 805s
中置: B&W HTM2
環繞: B&W B&W DS6S3
後置: B&W M1
AV Amp: Denon AVC-A1HD

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-15 08:48

原帖由 cmsjkung 於 2008-8-14 19:17 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi 洋蔥頭

How much are they, where I can buy them with cheaper price, please advise....... If you buy them again, you will choose the same thing or you have other suggestions
前置: B&W 805s
中置: B&W ...


The price of my config (1st hand) are about:

前置: B&W 805s => Around $25.5K (with speaker stand)
中置: B&W HTM2 => My model is old one and only HTM4s can be found now and the price is around $13K
環繞: B&W B&W DS6S3 => My model is old one and only DS3 can be found now and the price is around $6.5K
後置: B&W M1 => Around $4K
AV Amp: Denon AVC-A1HD => Around $39K

Total: Around $88K

Since B&W is controlling its price, you cannot found the cheapest price in other stores except B&W that only 10% off will be provided.

For Denon,It highly depends on your luck.

If I want to change my config again, sure I will not use the same config. I want to taste other brands, e.g. M&K S150.

In fact, the most expensive AV stuffs are not the amp and speakers.Cables, power cables, etc. and other accessories are the most expensive things.

[ 本帖最後由 洋蔥頭 於 2008-8-15 08:59 編輯 ]

小瑟 發表於 2008-8-15 09:07

你舊居既 setup都已經好正勒喎, 不過當然依家更正好多啦!!!!Smilies018 Smilies018 Smilies018

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-15 09:13

原帖由 小瑟 於 2008-8-15 09:07 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你舊居既 setup都已經好正勒喎, 不過當然依家更正好多啦!!!!Smilies018 Smilies018 Smilies018

No la.I am just a new AV baby at that moment....:lol

I am still a AV baby now... :Q

小瑟 發表於 2008-8-15 09:18

咁都係 BABY, 我都想係呀~~~~~Smilies010 Smilies010 Smilies010

cmsjkung 發表於 2008-8-16 00:21

Thank you for your reply.... 洋蔥頭......

Do you think, your current av amp and speaker can use for how long.......

I want to buy a new av amp and speaker, Can I buy onkyo or denon av amp, and B&W speaker 5.1 for around 40k$... Any advise... please...

Do you know how much for the B&W 684 Theatre package and it is ok with onkyo or denon av amp

[ 本帖最後由 cmsjkung 於 2008-8-16 20:39 編輯 ]

洋蔥頭 發表於 2008-8-28 08:23

原帖由 cmsjkung 於 2008-8-16 00:21 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thank you for your reply.... 洋蔥頭......

Do you think, your current av amp and speaker can use for how long.......

I want to buy a new av amp and speaker, Can I buy onkyo or denon av amp, and B&W...

Dear cmsjkung hing,

Sorry for my late reply.

I told you one thing that my centre and front speakers have been sold last week.New toys are coming in early Sept. Smilies010

Regarding to the suggestion of the speakers and amp, they highly depends on your taste.Someone said Onkyo is musical, but I think Onkyo is very bad in controlling the bass and dynamic sound (I used 905 before).

BTW, you are advised to listen the amps and speakers by yourself.

akkchan 發表於 2008-8-28 12:51

Hi 洋蔥頭

I am using Jeff Rowland Continuum 250 + Esoteric X-05 + B&W 805S.Do you think it is worth to add PC-1 (HK$1X,XXX) to my gear?Is the sound more quiet, clear and detail?Is it really at least 30% better?

Many thanks for your help!
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查看完整版本: 洋蔥頭家庭影院及器材史 (最新組合 13 Nov 2011)

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