4KPK 發表於 2021-1-20 16:58

本帖最後由 4KPK 於 2021-1-20 17:15 編輯

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-20 11:53
CdJapan actually has a points system.You earn points when you make a purchase and you use those...

Thanks for recommending the site to me. Speaking of SPECTRE, I’ve already owned a James Bond Blu-ray box set that consists of 24 James Bond films(from Dr. No to SPECTRE) , which I ordered at Amazon months ago. To be frank, Daniel Craig’s version is clearly not my favourite since I find it too politically correct. Really miss the old days when Moneypenny and Felix Leiter were still being portrayed by white actors. Appallingly, SKYFALL is the only Bond film thus far that doesn’t even feature a white Bond girl. Apparently, “diversity” means fewer white people and it’s anti-white. But we never see diversity being enforced in Indian movies, Japanese or Korean movies, don’t we? How often do we see an Indian movie featuring a brown girl having a romantic relationship with a black guy? We don’t want to be forced to embrace people looking nothing like us and it’s quite reasonable that we shouldn’t wish on white people anything we aren’t comfortable with.

One more thing, race mixing only leads to racial extermination. Lamentably, in the past few years,Hollywood blatantly promotes miscegenation and debases white males. Which’s why I rarely watch any newly released Hollywood movies nowadays.

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-20 17:23

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-20 16:58
Thanks for recommending the site to me. Speaking of SPECTRE, I’ve already owned a James Bond Blu- ...

劉家輝 did star in a Bollywood movie many years ago.I don't mind the Daniel Craig Bond movies. In fact, most of Craig's Bond movies are very good and not as corny as the Bond movies of the past.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-20 19:09

本帖最後由 4KPK 於 2021-1-20 19:22 編輯

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-20 17:23
劉家輝 did star in a Bollywood movie many years ago.I don't mind the Daniel Craig Bond movies. I ...

But have you ever seen any black actors participating in an Indian movie? For the record, Edison Chen did star in The Dark Knight as well. Just imagine how the oriental audiences would react if 喬寶寶 was the one who played 高橋涼介 but not Edison Chen. Well, there’s no laws banning black people from making movies that only feature blacks and it’s quite reasonable to say that every tribe including whites, has the right to only cast people looking like them. Daniel Craig is a perfect Bond on which I never cast doubts. Unfortunately, his version of the bond films are far too politically correct. Personally, Sean Connery’s Bond is the best and makes more sense. Of course, YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE does feature an interracial relationship(between a white guy and several oriental women). From a racial standpoint, comparing to blacks, the skin tone of the orientals is relatively more similar to the skin tone of whites. And the hybrids who have a white parent and an oriental parent, often look quite white, which proves that white genotype doesn’t get completely wiped out in a white-oriental interbreeding.

:o) 發表於 2021-1-20 22:04

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查看完整版本: 琴晚入手 - Initial D Blu-ray

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