4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 12:02

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 07:40
Initial D: The Movie is either out of print or hard to find these days anyway.Plus i've already...

Precisely. I was really lucky to have managed to purchase it at a homemedia shop where even the shopkeeper told me that mine was the last one. Before yesterday, I did frenetically spend time at Amazon looking for it almost everyday. However, it always turned out that the movie was no longer available on Blu-ray. Blessed by God, something popped up in my head when I was having lunch yesterday, which reminded that there was at least one more shop I hadn’t taken a leap of faith in. And history has proven that my perseverance has paid off🥳

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 12:10

本帖最後由 4KPK 於 2021-1-19 12:16 編輯

小瑟 發表於 2008-2-20 11:28

Actually, they are indeed related. The Flashpoint takes place months before the events of SPL, so it literally serves as a prequel and explains why Donnie Yen’s character is still alive. Also, The Flash was originally titled as “破軍”. However, it was later on converted into “導火線” for the sake of the production of the movie, after the production crew and cast members had repeatedly encountered lots of accidents which convinced them that the original title was too ominous.

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 12:57

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 12:02
Precisely. I was really lucky to have managed to purchase it at a homemedia shop where even the sh ...

I notice it's still in stock at yesasia.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 19:03

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 12:57
I notice it's still in stock at yesasia.

But it’s way more expensive than the one I bought yesterday 🤬

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 19:06

My Andrew Lau -Alan Mak- Felix Chong movie collection is now complete 🥳

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 19:22

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 19:03
But it’s way more expensive than the one I bought yesterday 🤬

Then you picked it up for a good price, considering its availability.Even the Japanese Blu-ray is long out of print.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 19:48

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 19:22
Then you picked it up for a good price, considering its availability.Even the Japanese Blu-ray i ...

Precisely. I did try to search for it at the Japanese Amazon site and I couldn’t even find any results

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 19:56

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-19 19:48
Precisely. I did try to search for it at the Japanese Amazon site and I couldn’t even find any re ...

Did u try cdjapan?Even though it's sold out there as well.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-20 11:41

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 19:56
Did u try cdjapan?Even though it's sold out there as well.

Never heard of this site. Anyway, I should be thankful for having been fortunate enough to buy it at a relatively reasonable price 🤠

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-20 11:53

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-20 11:41
Never heard of this site. Anyway, I should be thankful for having been fortunate enough to buy it...

CdJapan actually has a points system.You earn points when you make a purchase and you use those points as discounts when you buy another item.I usually use the points for the priced down reissued Blu-ray discs.Even better when those priced down reissued are cheap cuz that'd mean I pay like $2 plus shipping.Did that for the priced down reissued release of 007: Spectre.I paid a buck for that, shipping included.
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查看完整版本: 琴晚入手 - Initial D Blu-ray

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