小瑟 發表於 2008-2-20 10:03

其實我都好想買導火線既BLU-RAY, 不過一般都賣 $239我就覺得有點貴了, 希望遲下佢會平返D啦!!

呢套戲既 DVD都已經好正, 我果時都係睇 DVD版呢. 睇到我鬼死咁緊張呢, 所以我覺得呢套係好睇過殺破狼呢!!Smilies018 Smilies018 Smilies018

Terence 發表於 2008-2-20 10:14

唔知係真定假呢?Smilies009 Smilies009

radhk 發表於 2008-2-20 10:31

原帖由 Terence 於 2008-2-20 10:14 發表 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
唔知係真定假呢?Smilies009 Smilies009

殺破狼已經無咩印象, 兩套戲好似得波子丹個角色名係相同, 其他野好似完全無關係?

當然波子丹0係殺破狼到已經死0左, 咁起碼導火線唔會係殺破狼續集. ;P

我自己就喜歡殺破狼多d, 成套戲有智叔, 任達華, 夏韶聲...表演都好好, 角色平衡d.

導火線就打得到肉d, 不過睇完似睇0左套摔跤既碟, 唔似睇一套戲. :o

小瑟 發表於 2008-2-20 11:28


4KPK 發表於 2021-1-18 17:41

Lucky me. It was the last one

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-18 19:03

This movie is stuck at Dolby stereo 2.0 on netflix.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-18 20:22

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-18 19:03
This movie is stuck at Dolby stereo 2.0 on netflix.

Which’s why the physical format is always superior to streaming

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-18 20:32

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-18 20:22
Which’s why the physical format is always superior to streaming

I just settled for a bootleg copy of the Blu-ray instead.For the record, my dvd copy is 100% legit.Didn't want to pay full price for a double dip.

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-18 22:27

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-18 20:32
I just settled for a bootleg copy of the Blu-ray instead.For the record, my dvd copy is 100% leg ...

Well, I am not a social justice warrior. Which’s why I have no objections to whatever you’ve done with your properties 😂

tinlunlau 發表於 2021-1-19 07:40

4KPK 發表於 2021-1-18 22:27
Well, I am not a social justice warrior. Which’s why I have no objections to whatever you’ve don ...

Initial D: The Movie is either out of print or hard to find these days anyway.Plus i've already spent money to legally support it.I actually bought the first batch of dvd's that came with some extra goodies.
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查看完整版本: 琴晚入手 - Initial D Blu-ray

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