發表於 2010-6-3 23:34
I can repeat the problem{:1_334:}, when played "WANTED" uk version bur-ray around 25 minutes, it suddenly no display and sound.I tried to turn off and on 83SE to start over again but the color displayed wrong from blue to pink on the main manual{:1_331:}.
I just guess the problem may come from the latest firmware.......not because of upgrade.
發表於 2010-6-4 08:29
The hdmi connectivity between tv and 83 seems have some problems, esp. when I eject the disc, no logo appear and lose connect. I have to insert disc and wait the two machines to connect again. This did not happen before the upgrade.
發表於 2010-6-4 08:30
而家有代理係旺角喎, 試下拎去俾佢地, 睇下佢地會唔會整~
發表於 2010-6-4 09:43
Is it due to the firmware or hardware problem? The 424 firmware has been launched for a while but before this, there was no feedback of similar problem, until the up-grade exercise this time. I think the agent should find it out and clarify.
發表於 2010-6-4 14:36
發表於 2010-6-4 14:49
I tried the Avator b-ray last night for about 10 minutes. No such problem, but noticed that there was no "DTS-MA" shown in the amp display, just "DTS" only. So, I checked the set up and ensure that it was in the "bitstream" mode. But still only "DTS" was shown.
Then I tried the Heckon Lee Bluray, the mode "DTS-HD" was shown in the amp.
Does it mean that the DTS-MA could not be bitstreamed to the amp?I don't know whether it was the result of the up-grade.
發表於 2010-6-4 17:24
我部機都係, downgrade 咗 0323 ver 都係咁呀..............
hkp1196 發表於 2010-6-4 16:50
By " 都係咁", do you mean you have the same problem as Rictsang c-hing or "DTS-MA" cannot be shown in your amp after up-grade?
發表於 2010-6-4 17:41
So bad, what should we do?
發表於 2010-6-4 18:46
I am not "睇 Blu-ray 會間中停一停", my case is the unit hang up!
發表於 2010-6-4 20:02
Don't worry, OPPO will fix all the problem