發表於 2010-6-4 21:10
I hope so. I received Ouku call this evening and they said they would come next Monday to check the player. They have no ideas why there is such a problem. So just wait and see. Actually, the pause case seems to occur at the first 30 minutes of play, then it becomes stable.
發表於 2010-6-4 22:39
本帖最後由 sunnyt 於 2010-6-4 22:42 編輯
我嗰部前幾日upgrade咗未試真 BD (聽日先有時間試).....今晚剛搬入房試
CD 嗰part, 聲音好正, 真喺 "聲內有聲",多咗細緻嘢聽.......但發覺嗰
display 嘅跳字唔match首歌~~~~~即係下一首歌開始咗约10-12秒後,
嗰Track number 先由"0"秒開始跳!!!{:1_260:}
發表於 2010-6-4 23:21
回復 45# hkp1196
發表於 2010-6-5 00:33
I just downgrade the firmware to 6-323, the hang-up problem seems be solved, but the the problem of sometime pause and slow motion when play the Blu-Ray Disk still exist. .\/. 妖!
發表於 2010-6-5 08:38
I have been using BDP83C-06-0323 for few months. No problem to play any disk and very stable.What's the enhancement of the new firmware?
發表於 2010-6-5 15:45
小弟用左部英文firmware嘅SE都有半年都冇事. 你地係唔係用緊中文firmware?
發表於 2010-6-5 16:25
師兄你部機係由83 以 upgrade kit 上 SE 架?
bigpun1975 發表於 2010-6-5 00:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
bigpun1975 兄,
係呀我部係由83 upgrade架.都用左差唔多一年 total (83+SE).
應該係中文firmware 出事.
發表於 2010-6-5 18:51
Just send email to ouku, it is for preference, hope they can fix it soon or replace a new one to me la{:1_339:}
Hi Loen,
I tested my all blu-ray disks included the promotion disks, the problem can't be eliminated, I also found the 83 very hot before the unit became abnormal, the inside fan is not working, I tried to check pcb board o/p of the fan socket, there is 0 volt, it seems to me that the control cct has problem caused the 83 over-heat!
Summary of the problem:
1) Very often "short pause" and "slow motion" during playback
2) Lost audio HD output
3) Unit hang-up and can't restart immediately, need wait a certain while for restart
4) Colour change to pinkish.
發表於 2010-6-5 21:09
I don't think OUKO fix the problem just go to our home and without change something. At present they seems don't has any idea to solve the problem,in this case, shall we request their to replace a new 83SE to us...{:1_339:}.
發表於 2010-6-5 21:15
If they can replace a new one to us, it would be great even if we have to paid hte price difference. By the way, a new problem detected, that is when I eject a disc, the TV and player would lose connect and no signal appear on the screen. I have to turn the player off and switch it on again. So....... did I make a wrong choice ?