未加2Ch後級前,喺Z7 setting 裹面調校,volume係-5dB,level係+9dB,用sound meter度到前置左、右喇叭出到74dB。但係前置左、右聲道由Z7 pre-out 駁落個Rotel RC1080後,volume要校大到-1dB,level係+8.5dB,前置左、右喇叭先出到74dB。
加咗後級照理好力D,volume / level 校細而出到相同聲量 (74dB),依家返而要校大,真係唔明{:6_141:} {:6_141:} {:6_141:}唔通部Rotel報大數竟然唔夠部Z7好力{:6_199:} 請各c hing指教一下{:6_162:}
Z7: Minimum RMS Output Power for Front, Center, Surround, Surround Back: 20Hz to 20kHz, 0.04% THD, 8Ohms – 140W; Power Consumption 500W
Rotel RC1080: Continuous Power Output (20-20kHz, <0.03%) – 200W/ch into 8Ohms; Power Consumption 550W volume at -5dB is ur normal listening sound level?
any gain control for the Rotel? volume at -5dB is ur normal listening sound level?
any gain control for the Rotel?
avmilk 發表於 2010-4-8 00:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
My normal listening sound level is around -10dB and there is no gain control for the Rotel My normal listening sound level is around -10dB and there is no gain control for the Rotel
MarkMak 發表於 2010-4-8 00:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ur MRM-1 should be power hungry as need to +9dB to reach 74dB... 是ROTEL後級增益問題,你聽聲是否好左
timmywan 發表於 2010-4-8 00:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
聽得出係好咗,聽久石讓演奏會D大棚嘢D樂器分離多D同聽多D細節,不過真係唔明點解會甘,恐怕vol越大,失真越高{:6_200:} i have this problem before becasue some of the power amp needs enough "v" to works the max power of the power amp ......and ususally yamaha was not very enough having the max v for the power amp .i used 2500 and 3800 before .{:1_352:}
don't worry about turning the volume high ,u need to turn the "v" number higher so that your power will reach the full working area.you can set the gain or db more so its easier to reach that level . 死囉 ~ MarkMak 兄, 駛左幾千銀部 Z7 先話你知 "車! 咪有係咁"
買部後級黎做咩呀, 師兄最緊要加左之後耳仔收唔收貨先, 有陣時數字既o野好死o者
唔駛迷信喎 大聲 =/= 大力 好像我加adcom 7400之後用lx51中test tone check sound level都沒有改變(比冇加power amp之前),但當看moive就知道加power amp威力.
所以要看moive先知道加power amp同沒有加power amp分別 個人覺得加 Power Amp 一般情況分別唔易分, 但d 子彈橫飛;爆炸; 複雜瞬變環境 就完全質與量 都好唔同, 淨睇 reading 唔多對板