waicsl 發表於 2010-3-9 12:04

本帖最後由 waicsl 於 2010-3-9 12:09 編輯

我是將"Wii " 駁入Onkyo, upscale to 1080i !

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-3-9 15:35

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-3-9 15:41 編輯

first of all ,no offence ,for me ,format only format , i trust my own ear.

u have 5507 right ? i ...
claero 發表於 2010-3-8 12:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
至於聲音方面Toshiba,Sony/Philips又何嘗不是以HD Audio來一個生死戰,現終於HDDVD落敗,BD再以 DolbyHD和DTSHD Lossless Audio來做賣點,務必使BD在市場普及化,歐美機種如Rotel,Cary,ClasseAudio,McIntosh內置DolbyHD和DTSHD解碼AV Pre機種便應運而生,Onkyo,Marantz,Denon等架仔廠亦不甘示弱,生產AV Pre與鬼佬機對抗。
師兄們,你們都很清楚上述的演變,世界各大廠家設計新產品時都是與BD的DolbyHD和DTSHD相配合,有師兄在帖內提出若Lexicon肯造DolbyHD/DTSHD MC12的話,叫價會是HK$100K,再者BD價錢是較DVD售價貴75%左右,這些市場實況足可証明
DVD DTS vs BD DTSHD, No way!!

avmilk 發表於 2010-3-9 18:46

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-3-9 11:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

大家分享下自己既睇法就話人地圍你, 你都幾好笑bor~{:6_188:}

claero 發表於 2010-3-9 19:22


i really don't think we are 圍攻 .....we are all share our own expenrience .

claero 發表於 2010-3-9 19:43


the first 2 sentance was the most important part of using u.s. pre amp ,its a huge different when u using a low volume with japanese pre amp , not enough dynamic, i need to turn the volume really high to get the punch and dynamic ....

as what you said about bluray and dvd was right as everyone knows that bluray have more storage than dvd .....BUT remember if bluray have 100% 儲存量 , if your decoder or preamp can only decode 50 % "AND" your pre -amplifier can only magnify 80% out to power amp ,"AND" also need to do the digital to analog processing ,it will lose DATA nomatter what , so my theory would be if your u.s. pre amp was good enough , i can mangnify 90% of dvd ,and may be you are using 50 % of bluray . thats why the dynamic and sound quality u.s. amp will still win .

and one more thing ....some of the recording of bluray dts or dobly can win dts -hd and dobly true hd . it just depends the recording .

claero 發表於 2010-3-9 19:49

本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-3-9 19:52 編輯

and also u said you are using lexicon mv5 now .....

do u mean your mv5 can't win 5507???{:6_136:}

7500martin 發表於 2010-3-9 23:54

回復 41# claero

小弟所用的AV pre只是886, (實在懷疑5507和886音質分別有幾大) 論音質, 以兩聲道為準則的話, 886真的只是一部一般以下的貨色, 但是我們討論的是AV課題, 多功能和先道解碼亦是不可缺少的. 試問以價論聲, 又有什麼選擇.

鬼佬機雖好, 但是除Bug過程絕非佬機般先進, 再加上價錢貴, 但壽命短, 至今我都認為不宜投資超過二萬 ......

claero 發表於 2010-3-10 01:05

本帖最後由 claero 於 2010-3-10 01:18 編輯

小弟所用的AV pre只是886, (實在懷疑5507和886音質分別有幾大) 論音質, 以兩聲道為準則的話, 886真的只是一部一般以下的貨色

886 and 5507 not that big different , dynamic will be a little better and the bass a little more tight as well , but sound quality was just the same or i can't hear the different.

鬼佬機雖好, 但是除Bug過程絕非佬機般先進, 再加上價錢貴, 但壽命短, 至今我都認為不宜投資超過二萬 ......

鬼佬機 was really expensive ....like krell or lexicon ,most of them over 4xxxx,but cary 's price was fair enough as half ,i guess every one will have power amp since they will consider5507 or cary ,so around 8xxx more for sound quality , for me i think it worth,i 've been thinking of 5507 ,886 or even pioneer 90 or z11 before (i used yamaha 3800 with power amp), but after i heard cary ,i drop my idea right away ,and if we disccuss about 多功能, honestly most of them i never use myself, like sound effect ,surround mode , or upscaling , bd player can do upscaling now a day,so i rather go directly to projector or tv (no need to worry about data loss if av amp 's video part not good enough),andalso if the density of sound was good enough , surround mode and effect was no use since i only want want to listen the ORIGINAL sound ,direct sound form source .

this is what i wanna say , i m not saying 5507 was not good . its a very successful multifunction model in between.

for example ,if i have limit buget for 5507(16xxx) and parasound a52 (13xxx), i rather choose cary 11a with a cheaper power amp like 1075 (6xxx),so my end up price will be almost the same,i 've been experience that the "head" (i mean pre-amp)was more important than power amp . i mean the "head" not magnify good enough so that the power amp can't fully work 100% ,this is all my own experience that i wanna share . no offence {:1_253:}

Big_McIn 發表於 2010-3-10 05:52

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-3-10 13:50 編輯

我用lexicon mc4,krell hts7.1果時(dVd年代),比起宜家我唔覺得CARY11A係全贏, 之前用過天龍3808,安橋886,一 ...
pinkhung 發表於 2010-3-9 19:22 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

PinkHung兄,你悟會哩,我另頭住家套家生MV5+No.380率領的Amps羣推B&W喇叭,不論在音色、環迴效果、動態方面都較香港套5507+McIn C2200+PL 600.5+Rotel 1095+DD18配新款802D和其他spks為佳,MV5是支援LPCM,因此我所用的51就將DolbyHD和DTSHD自動改為LPCM輸出MV5,看戲時我會選MV5嘅PLIIx,聽Concert才用Logic 7,故此聲音仍然是Lossless,在香港用5507時也是選用PLIIx,很少用Direct和DTS HD,外語片很少7.1啊!{:6_222:}

我本人的經驗話比我聽新款唔一定好過舊款,HiFi界裏的Rogers3/5a 15ohm,Audio Research SP11就是表表者,黑膠牒啲音色一定好過CD,此点亦是人所共知。{:6_134:}

不過AV及數碼嘢就唔同,BD內存達50GB比DVD大六倍,資料儲存亦多六倍,有數據証實,並非主觀和空泛的判斷,有說服力証明DVD DTS vs BD DTSHD, No way!當然哩 DVD DTS + Cary 11a + Cary/Krell Multi Channel同一些入門AV Amp 如D記1910和O記607推同一樣Speakers比,就另一回事啦!{:6_142:}

Cary 11a+11V一定嬴Onkyo 5507(包括Quality and Effects),但是Cary價錢是Onkyo的三至四倍啊!單是11a都貴5507成皮嘢,都是柴九個句「有幾多個十年」。{:6_180:}


Big_McIn 發表於 2010-3-10 06:20

本帖最後由 Big_McIn 於 2010-3-10 07:57 編輯

and also u said you are using lexicon mv5 now .....

do u mean your mv5 can't win 5507??? ...
claero 發表於 2010-3-9 19:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Hi! If you can match MV5 with a proper set of BD player, MV 5 is better than 5507 both in sound clarity and dynamic. But please bring it in mind that MV 5 only comes with 2 HDMI IN and 1 OUT. It means that it's not so convenient for those enthusiasts who use both TVs and projectors.{:6_183:}
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