djaddy 發表於 2010-1-11 21:19

Oppo 83 VS EeePC 聽歌戰

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2010-1-14 03:06 編輯

After a crazy year end at work, I finally found time to test my beloved Oppo 83 (standard version) & EeePC for 聽歌. Since I am a little lazy and wanted to play a bit more music from cds. I wanted maximize my Oppo 83 and find the sound that is most suitable for my taste. The ab tests were carried over a number of nights. Details as follows:

Source Setup:
1.Eeepc (cMP + cPlay) > ww USB> coaxial converter> Gotham coaxial> DacMagic (沙沙3號 MK4 - 派拉利灌沙線 + 單結晶銅24K鍍金電源公插)
2. Oppo BDP 83 (單晶銅電源線 + 單結晶銅鍍白金電源公插及IEC母插)

1.單晶銅訊號線 - 分析力強, 清, 快, 音場闊 & 深

1.沙沙3號 MK4 (派拉利灌沙線) + 單結晶銅24K鍍金電源公插 - 有一點暖和,分析力良好
2.單晶銅電源線 + 單結晶銅鍍白金電源公插及IEC母插 - 分析力強, 清, 快, 音場闊 & 深, 有一點冷

I picked 單結晶銅24K鍍金電源公插 for my 沙沙3號 MK4 (派拉利灌沙線) because it is better for 2 ch music. It gives a smoother and slightly warmer result. 單結晶銅鍍白金電源公插及IEC母插 is used on my Oppo BDP83 because I wanted good 分析力 & 快聲 for movies. Also I picked 單晶銅電源線 for musical reasons.

Test CD:
金聲演奏廳 (24K金碟CD+DVD) - 蔡琴

1: Eeepc & DacMagic - 分析力強, 清, 快, 音場闊 & 深

This is the most unexpected result I got. I am getting a 音場, 分析力 & 控制力that I have never heard from my system before. Very transparent and very 3d. Very good, very surprised. When I close my eyes, I can see 蔡琴 right in front of me. It is very musical and suited my taste very well.

2: Oppo 83 - 分析力ok, 清, 音場 sounded discontinued with the left and right channels, 但有點但有點冷 + 硬, 太快, a bit fuzzy & defocused

I have always thought that 單晶銅電源線 + 單晶銅訊號線 will sound the best, but somehow I never liked the this setup. I found it有點冷 + 硬 & 太快. After reviewing the whole setup, I think the main contribution to the issue is the單結晶銅鍍白金電源公插及IEC母插. 鍍白金 plugs are 快, but can sound 冷.

3: Oppo 83 + DacMagic
Result: 比 Test 2 較好, but I still found the sound冷左dd.


EeePc partnered with DacMagic is by far better sounding than Oppo 83 as source. EeePC's sound stage is very 3D and transparent. It's rare, but my boss could tell the difference between Oppo 83 & the EeePC. I guess I can't give up ripping wav files from my computer.

The Oppo 83 standard edition is a bit fuzzy & defocused when it can to playing music. Somehow the audio sounded separate from the left channel compared to the right.My Furukawa 訊號線 which sounded very flat. The 單晶銅訊號線 sounded cold. In resolving In order to resolve the coldness issue, the answer rested in my old WBT 2016 訊號線 (暖和,分析力良好帶點貴氣). Yet the separation issue remains with the Oppo 83. I am a little disappointed.

PC (電源線), power plugs (電源公插及IEC母插) & RCA (訊號線) all need to be mixed & matched to get the sound that you like. By swapping 訊號線, the performance gap has narrowed a little bit.

cmsjkung 發表於 2010-1-11 21:21

Interesting Sharing..... Thanks.... {:6_228:}

ram 發表於 2010-1-11 21:32

Good Sharing{:6_193:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-11 22:23

JuniorX hing,

I gave up music from my HTPC a long time ago. It's too much trouble & requires too much tuning.

lskthomas 發表於 2010-1-12 09:36

thank you for sharing!

i gave up listening to music with my HTPC either because it is too much trouble

AntonioII 發表於 2010-1-12 10:33

thank for sharing

ikkjr 發表於 2010-1-12 10:37

Thanks Djaddy 兄 for the in-depth report {:1_342:}

chunny98 發表於 2010-1-12 10:38

看完對Oppo 83's 2 ch performance有點失望添....

Celica 發表於 2010-1-12 12:09

本帖最後由 Celica 於 2010-1-12 12:24 編輯

Good report.
我又分享一下,曾經去過一位朋友家,拎左房用o既source Eee901去,果時重未tune好window同set minlogon.
去到插佢部0404USB出同佢用緊的Marantz SACD player有好明顯的分別,Set 埋minlogon之後重有5-10%提升tim.


roica 發表於 2010-1-12 12:16

thanks for the report, it's useful
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