Mosque 發表於 2018-11-1 17:21

fishbone8822 發表於 2018-11-1 17:24

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-1 17:21
X9S 可以用外置USB BD drives 讀藍光碟?你是什麽firmware?

Download url:

Update list:
1.Fixed problems with green bars at the bottom of some specially coded MKV video playback
2. Increased the optical drive function
- Support CD/DVD/BD SATA and USB optical drive
- -Add an optical drive device to the file manager left device list when there is optical drive access. The content area can display multiple optical drives and support volume label, and the menu key can be used to operate the current optical drive
- Support for un-encrypted DVD/BD playback, support for Blu-ray and DVD navigation, and any file supported by player stored in the optical disk
3.Fixed part of X265 MKV video Range display incorrect issue


Mosque 發表於 2018-11-1 17:33

fishbone8822 發表於 2018-11-1 18:08

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-1 17:33
Beta Version 可以用沒問題嗎?

之前的2.1.12就比較不穩定...所以廠方不足兩星期已作出修正即出2.1.14, 現在的2.1.14身邊二十多人用緊...未發現大問題{:1_259:}

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-2 08:12

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-2 09:45

fishbone8822 發表於 2018-11-2 10:11

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-2 09:45

無保護的偉大祖國$XX UHD OK

所以現階段依個功能算係玩樂性質, 沒有太大用途


Mosque 發表於 2018-11-2 10:20

fishbone8822 發表於 2018-11-2 10:29

Mosque 發表於 2018-11-2 10:20

值得一讚的品牌, 幾舊水貨仔..但..過去一年差不多每個月都有更新fw....還不停加入新元素/功能



lnchu 發表於 2018-11-2 12:01

我部电視不是4K的,但用z9s播4k弽會自動用1080p播.以前的A5 set output 4k (用AV amp雙output去TV及4k投影,唔想轉來轉去)去播4k片係彈电視唔support的.為此早前還買了個降頻器花了幾百元.感覺上畫面比A5靚(無調校),所有电影在电影牆都出哂,有些小改都成功.
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查看完整版本: 開箱點燈Zidoo Z9S

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