kc090908 發表於 2018-4-17 21:19

剛到手 未煲過
暫時聽左兩首歌 少少初步感
人聲對比我用開既oc grace 薄左d 但位置前左
bass暫無太明顯分別 量感多返少少

努力run in中

kc090908 發表於 2018-4-17 21:21


Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 15:00

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-16 18:11
Of course and it’s diffcult to say what is right and wrong on this topic.
Just want to double ch ...

Ching, I found my VE feels fit, but sound proofing seems worse than my K10. Do you have same phenomenon? When I wear it, I can still hear ard 20-30% of the surrounding sound, while my K10 can soundproof almost 90%

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:24

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 15:00
Ching, I found my VE feels fit, but sound proofing seems worse than my K10. Do you have same pheno ...

If you think it fits well , then I think it’s normal .
I can still hear sound from out side when I have no music playing . I would say normally custom fit normally gives you around 75% sound proof. I have no problem when the music is playing.
I use to have er4p with silicon tip which is about 90% proof. Custom fit does no isolate outside sound as well as universal when it’s proper seal.
But it’s 10 times more comfort .
I think ve does a very good job on the fit when u compare to other custom brand. The fit and craft is what they are well known for..

Maybe u just need sometime to get use to it .
Hope you are enjoying the sound of your ve8

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:29

My bw 22 is just past 50hour Run in.
I know it needs a lot more run in . But I’m really enjoying it so far . It’s improving everyday . Sounds veryimpressiveand can’t wait for it to get better. I can imagine how good it will get in the future.

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-20 22:38

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:29
My bw 22 is just past 50hour Run in.
I know it needs a lot more run in . But I’m really enjoying i ...

Let's wait and see{:6_139:} Enjoy.....

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:49

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-20 22:38
Let's wait and see Enjoy.....

I can sense what you mean {:8_390:}{:8_390:}{:8_390:}

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 23:22

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:29
My bw 22 is just past 50hour Run in.
I know it needs a lot more run in . But I’m really enjoying i ...

Good, keep it on!

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 23:24

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 22:24
If you think it fits well , then I think it’s normal .
I can still hear sound from out side when...

I can put in in without pain, but when I move around with it sometimes it may displace and bass will disappear. That's why I wonder if it is fitting problem or I m not wearing it properly.

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 23:40

When I first got mine I find the fit very tight and after a while my ear just got use to it and it fits very comfort for me now.

Did you have your mouth and lipclose when you got your ear impression done? Or mouth open?
I had mine close when I got mine done . And that’s what ve suggest as I remember.

My ve normally seals quiet well for me even when I move my mouth and ear. Maybe I lose the seal a little only if I try to move my ear very hard in a not normal way.

Hope it fits well for you and it is a thing just need to get use tofor you.

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