Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-12 21:22

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-12 19:40
Sure will try to write about how it pair with ve8 after I burn in my cable . Ve8 from my experienc ...

Thanks Ching for your review. Iam interested in how they pair with VE8, both sounds great but at very different way. GW is sweet, full bodied, airy, great for female vocal. BW is clear, great seperation, cooler type for copper wire, precise, tight bass. I tried GW with little run in at shop to try VE8 demo. Very sweet and balanced sound. Yet another Ching at shop told me the VE demo is far inferior than the CM outcome, even the shell construction is different. So do you have same feeling about the comparsion of the demo and outcome? and how long you have waited for it. Mine has been waiting for 6 weeks.

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-12 22:53

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-12 21:22
Thanks Ching for your review. Iam interested in how they pair with VE8, both sounds great but at ...

A good copper cable should give you great resolution , extented treble and sound character of copper . Just like the 1960s and other flagship copper cable.
I would say the bw is one of the good one especially for this price . I can’t wait to try mine when I receive it from Cyrus this weekend .

Ve8 can be very addictive when it comes to pairing cable. It can really shows the character of each cable when I pair with my ve8. It has been quiet a hard time for me to search for the right cable to buy.
At the moment I think the gw and the m17 is worth to own for the ve8. Especially the m17 for me. I’m saving up to buy it next.

I have found the bass on the universal ve8 a bit much but it’s much better with my custom fit, not as heavy. That what I can remember . Have not heard the universal for a long time. The ve8 need to burn in for a while when you first receive them .You can ask Eddie about running in the ve8, he is the expert for sure with the ve8.

It took 4 weeks for mine to come. But I ordered mine through Taiwan dealer

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-12 23:29

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-12 22:53
A good copper cable should give you great resolution , extented treble and sound character of copp ...

VE8 really a good iem, hope ching can share more about VE8+BW22 review later. BTW, BW22 need to run-in over 200 hours to release the true capability.

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-12 23:48

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-12 23:29
VE8 really a good iem, hope ching can share more about VE8+BW22 review later. BTW, BW22 need to ru ...

I have already bought that headphone splitter Eddie recommend from taobao for cable burn in and should receive it soon. I will start to burn in the cable as soon as I receive it. Will share my impression for you guys later :)

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-14 22:30

剛剛從Cm cable 收到條bw 22 v2 Cm cable 調音版
現在聽do make say think 2017 album 「post rock」

Earphone: ve8
Source : mojo poly

好聽到冇朋友,非常非常好聽。 原本想買條價格不太高又好的銅缐玩下,見到Patrick 個post 就買來試下,今天收到條線,全新未煲過,一聽之下就不得了,原來唔小心買左條神級線。

Patrick post 所說這條線的性格我全部都認同,絕無吹大。

Thank you for the sound tuning

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-14 22:35

Can’t wait for this cable to run in after 200 hours .....

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-15 00:11

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-12 22:53
A good copper cable should give you great resolution , extented treble and sound character of copp ...

Ching, I just received my VE8. Still running in so will write review later. However, another Ching who owned VE8 told me there are 2 holes in the shell for the bass driver, but mine doesn't have any holes. Do you VE8 have holes on the shell?

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-15 00:13

Will share more impression with my ve8 after more burn in .

Very impress so far

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-15 00:15

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-15 00:11
Ching, I just received my VE8. Still running in so will write review later. However, another Ching ...

I don’t know what you mean by 2 holes , I don’t think I have any holes on mine apart from where the sound come out.

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-15 00:21

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-15 00:15
I don’t know what you mean by 2 holes , I don’t think I have any holes on mine apart from where...

Ya maybe I got it wrong. Anyway in the beginning my VE8 has very weak bass, treble and mid is a bit too thin and hard. Separation also not good. Need serious run in.
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