Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 23:51

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-20 23:40
When I first got mine I find the fit very tight and after a while my ear just got use to it and it f ...

Oh I got the impression with my mouth open, that's what the technician for me suggested. I did it at MK center. Green plastic. Last time I made my K10 I did with my mouth closed as well. Dunno which is correct then. Shall I take back to DMA for a check?

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-21 00:09

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 23:51
Oh I got the impression with my mouth open, that's what the technician for me suggested. I did it...

I would suggest you to email ve personally first and ask them about this ear impression close or open thing . And what is the difference if you had it done open mouth. They will give you the most correct answer for sure.
As I rememberI read on some ve8 review . They did mentioned ve make their customs using close mouths impressions .

Check with VE first.

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-21 00:40

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-20 23:51
Oh I got the impression with my mouth open, that's what the technician for me suggested. I did it...

I found this from one of the member from head fi
Hope it will give you an idea

“Thanks! The main reason I wanted to try Vision Ears was because they use a slightly different way of fitting their CIEMs. The stem if fractionally shorter, but more importantly, they use closed mouth impressions. Unfortunately, Gisele did not dare hazard a guess as to whether or not it would help me with my issues. I think it might because I could still wear my Ei.3 CIEMs for one or two hours a day, if I was careful not to tense my jaw muscles too much. Since Vision Ears uses closed mouth impressions, they might cause less discomfort when I do tense my jaw, but it is one hell of a risk to try that with something like the VE5, let alone VE8.”

Devilyik 發表於 2018-4-21 14:43

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-21 00:09
I would suggest you to email ve personally first and ask them about this ear impression close or o ...

Checked with VE, they said both open or close also OK. But they have better experience with closed mouth. Most importantly is I dunno how to determine if it really fits or not. It can put in, but I can hear the difference when I rotate the iem. Especially when the upper part of the iem contact well with my ear bone, the bass will intact, but when it displaced the bass will disappear significantly. No uncomfort at all. Just the feeling is not the same as the k10, which I think is perfectly fit.

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-29 14:59

I think mybw22 v2 had over 100 hours or more run in already.
Sound seems to be more stable for the last few days.

The sound change so much for the first 100 hours . It soundedso different every time I listen daily on my first week with this cable. At some point I thought I ruined the cable because the sound are so bad at times.
This cable really needs to run in at the beginning and need lots of patience for it to produce good sound.

Now I can hear what this cable is capable of.
It pairs very well with my ve8. It has a lot to offer in one package. I totally agree with all things Patrick said about this cable on the first post.
Great clarity, treble extensions is good, strong instrument separation , smooth and thick vocal. Mid and bass have a very strong punch and goes deep but fast.

All Points I mentioned above is covered by a very spacious and copper tonal taste sound stage .

I’m in love with this cable very much and I enjoy all different types of music so much with this cable. It makes me just focus on the music itself.

Thanks Patrick and Cyrus for this amazing cable.

patrick@wong 發表於 2018-4-29 15:09

本帖最後由 patrick@wong 於 2018-4-29 15:11 編輯

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-29 14:59
I think mybw22 v2 had over 100 hours or more run in already.
Sound seems to be more stable for th ...

Thanks for your precious feedback, please keep run-in over 200 to 300 hours should be much better sound. I run-in the 1950s recently will have a comparison coming{:6_128:}

ChiHangSiu@FB 發表於 2018-4-29 17:51

Looking forward to your 1950 and bw 22 comparison
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