pnw 發表於 2017-2-27 08:07

Crystal Next buy %%*)

patrick@wong 發表於 2017-2-27 20:52

pnw 發表於 2017-2-26 09:46
各位師兄,原来用crystal Next配5 pentsconn 4.4頭夾黑磚play DSD,極之好好声,有聽大HIFI感觉,,绝对值得向大 ...

I tried crystal cable next with 4.4 to wm1z really really good high resolution hifi sound (meatly and sweet treble) even better than the siltech duchess crown. Good match...but this cable already sold out

patrick@wong 發表於 2017-2-27 21:06

The best match right now for me should be wm1z + crystal cable next plus vega

Popbot2012 發表於 2017-2-27 22:27

Crystal CABLE 用一段時間後係咪會甩LOGO?

patrick@wong 發表於 2017-2-27 23:25

If using siltech duchess crown or wireworld platinum silver ecplise cable which are mono silver should have more tighter bass i guess but not light and portable

Anyway crystal cable have a more soft, relax and sweet sound which is different sound signature

pnw 發表於 2017-2-28 10:53

crystal cable 和 AK合約已合作完結了,Crystal cable自己重新出crystal cable next,good news

patrick@wong 發表於 2017-2-28 14:09

pnw 發表於 2017-2-28 10:53
crystal cable 和 AK合約已合作完結了,Crystal cable自己重新出crystal cable next,good news ...

Wow...glad to hear that....{:1_351:}

louisla 發表於 2017-3-8 22:54


Anya 發表於 2017-3-21 23:18

各位師兄我都入左Sony WM1A。現在用緊AKG N40。想換耳機請問有邊幾隻耳機會夾部機呢?

hphp 發表於 2017-3-22 10:00

本帖最後由 hphp 於 2017-3-22 16:01 編輯

Anya 發表於 2017-3-21 23:18
各位師兄我都入左Sony WM1A。現在用緊AKG N40。想換耳機請問有邊幾隻耳機會夾部機呢? ...

Anya Ching, 有冇試過 Z5 夾 4.4 mm 平衡?

低音,節奏感可以試下JVC FW-01, 它比前作腔體較短身,無咗戴唔穏的憂慮。

如果是女毒控,可以搵番 EX 1000, 它對比現時賣貴2-4倍的耳塞,一點都唔失禮,只是隔音差些。
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查看完整版本: 罪大 WM1A 及 WM1Z 磚頭起樓區

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