mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 02:21

44# 10bucks360

Thanks C Hing.
I wanted to do so too but at left hand side there is the main entrance and when the door is open, it will hit the rear speaker. That is the lowest tilt angle I can do......

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 02:46

22# Einstein

Haha... Dont further poison me at this moment la... {:1_347:}
I need to recover for a while first... hahaha{:1_332:}

By the way... what kind of cables you think I should upgrade??{ ...
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-5 17:48 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
你而家用什麼器材/Cable?想換Mug 先? 又叫人唔好毒你...? 你守唔到ka....heahea...{:6_138:}

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 02:52

44# 10bucks360

Thanks C Hing.
I wanted to do so too but at left hand side there is the main entrance and when the door is open, it will hit the rear speaker. That is the lowest tilt angle I can do. ...
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 02:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如對後置太高, 應倒轉放, 即高音在下...

mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 02:55

Oh... Never think of this before....
You are right.... Same as Mirage.....

hit87761 發表於 2009-9-6 09:34


Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 11:24

本帖最後由 Einstein 於 2009-9-6 11:25 編輯

Oh... Never think of this before....
You are right.... Same as Mirage.....
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 02:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
效果又好d...等於放低左8-10"   ...升呢...{:6_134:}

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 11:27

timmywan 發表於 2009-9-6 02:51 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
timmy HIng 幫下手la...

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 11:39

Oh... Never think of this before....
You are right.... Same as Mirage.....
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 02:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 11:43

54# Einstein

條線而家剛剛好&再轉牆會比老闆炳鑊金{:1_346:} again...{:1_255:}

Einstein 發表於 2009-9-6 11:46

54# Einstein

條線而家剛剛好&再轉牆會比老闆炳鑊金{:1_346:} again...{:1_255:}
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-9-6 11:43 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
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