mightyatoms 持續改善組合 2014
本帖最後由 mightyatoms 於 2015-9-16 23:13 編輯My latest update in 2014. Hope to have some more to go!!!
McIntosh MA5200 - 夢未已求鍾愛佢外型嘅藍錶版......而家鍾意熄燈聽歌
B&W PM1 - 小弟睇Blu-ray 已經少咗, 一個月先睇到一兩次, 反而花多咗好多時間聽歌, 呢年喪聽KPop... {:1_335:} , 當然會聽下Audiophile cd 啦. 加上有次個friend帶小朋友黎玩唔小心推跌隻坐地683紮住自己,仲要整穿個頭{:1_332:} . 如果將來有小朋友係咁就煩啦! 所以(找藉口)就upgrade 啦.
既然升咗級,冇理由仲用平民喇叭線架, 所以花咗過千元DIY咗條Inakustik LS-603玩下, 真係一條分析力唔錯嘅線.
呢期重拾童年試玩下老豆以前玩嘅黑膠, 平平地試住先{:1_338:}
好耐都冇上黎update下啦. 搬咗新地方但仲係用緊多年前嘅組合 {:8_367:}
My latest 2ch set up:
DAC Cambridge Audio DacMagic Plus
Pre amp Audiolab 8200Q
Power amp Audiolab 8200P
My previous setup in Dec 2009:
Finally I have got an Int amp la.... {:6_181:}
{:6_220:} Really different level while playing music {:6_220:}
Though I tried 840a, and it is really better (more concrete bass, background music is more significant)... the performance is not worthy for 3 times of the price of my 640a.... {:6_194:} , so 640a is very high in c/p
many chings said CA is "thin", but I really do not agree at all... Maybe I like the sound "style" & "taste" of CA then...
I tried Marantz & NAD.... but they are not my cup of tea....
Or my standard is too low la... Ching please dont blame me
Setup in mid Nov 2009:
My new toy
Previous setup in early Nov 2009:
With nails added
Bi-amp & single run
Start listening the old CDs again, so....
My first setup in Aug 2009
本人好鍾意部LCD有backlight, 夜晚睇戲一流!!
Lebron James home court is in my house!!
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 本帖最後由 mightyatoms 於 2009-11-1 15:11 編輯
Mirage Nanosat Prestige
It increases the surround and sound field from the rear a lot!!!!
The old setup:
一直對JBL都係情有獨鍾, 因為睇戲d聲夠勁,價錢又相宜。聽pop, R&B, Hip Hop都得(My favourite music), 不過要聽classical就唔好諗啦。曾經有C Hing話整得一set Home theatre, 有幾可會挫定定聽歌? so 我以睇戲為先。
第一件upgrade o既係中置。 以前用JBL CSR30中置d聲唔夠清同勁。上JBL website見到ES25C有5"雙driver, 又有ultra high frequency tweeter,咁就買佢番o黎啦。
本帖最後由 mightyatoms 於 2009-9-5 16:10 編輯
Velodyne CHT-8Q
呢件係第一件中毒品,都係睇得多post76 C Hing話Subwoofer 係好緊要,另外成日話打心口,壓迫感等等都唔知係o羊, 以前Yamaha Subwoofer根本比唔到我。
用了CHT8Q後試"功夫","葉問","殺破狼", 終於知o羊叫打心口或胸口翳住翳住。另外有C Hing介紹用黑麻石墊底,d底音實了,好掂!
以前Yamaha Subwoofer淨係可以形容有底音飄出o黎o羅。
然後開始睇其他post76 posts,好多C Hing話用PS3同BDP睇碟, 無論畫面同音效點都係BDP好。雖然話應該買高一級o既BDP,但是買部貴過部amp又有d離譜。
而以前剛出dvd時家中有部Pioneer LD/DVD 2 in 1, D畫面一定好過現時市面大部份dvd機。so 我昨晚買了Pioneer BDP 120。
Onkyo TX-SR606點燈!!
終於見到 "DOLBY True HD" & "DTS-HD MSTR" 燈&字啦。
但是試完機,除DOLBY True HD有好大驚喜外,D畫面,DTS HD-MA & LPCM都係同PS3差不多。C Hing 們有無咁情況? 本帖最後由 mightyatoms 於 2009-11-1 21:23 編輯
Continue on P.9 & 10
http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=19329&extra=page%3D1&page=10 {:6_128:}嘩!好正呀!{:1_335:} 又一個網友中毒
{:6_138:} 最緊要開心,話之炳鑊金~{:6_174:} c hing how much for center speaker??? {:6_193:}掂呀師兄{:6_149:}.