iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-12 05:13

Pono Music 和 Pono Player

本帖最後由 iamsocheap 於 2014-3-12 05:20 編輯

雖然已經有貼講這部播放器,但因為我見Pono player 已經正式係kickstarter上預售,所以就開個新的貼子了。


正式定價是$399 美元。
最初100部的Early bird 優惠 $200 美元 已經賣光了。
而現在還有$300 美元 的一般黃色/黑色版 跟 $400 美元的簽名版。

重量128 grams,內置64GB容量跟可使用64GB的microSD卡,1年保養。
支援格式有: FLAC, ALAC, mp3, WAV, AIFF, AAC (unprotected)


I'm an audiophile. Explain what is so special about the PonoPlayer technology

The PonoPlayer was designed with a “no compromises” approach to sound quality.We partnered with the engineering team at Ayre(www.ayre.com) to include some of their world-class audio technology in our PonoPlayer.The Ayre team describes their contribution to the PonoPlayer design as follows:

•    The digital filter used in the PonoPlayer has minimal phase, and no unnatural (digital sounding) pre-ringing.All sounds made (including music) always have reflections and/or echoes after the initial sound. There is no sound in nature that has any echo or reflection before the sound, which is what conventional linear-phase digital filters do. This is one reason that digital sound has a reputation for sounding "unnatural" and harsh.

•    All circuitry is zero-feedback. Feedback can only correct an error after it has occurred, which means that it can never correct for all errors. By using proprietary ultra-linear circuitry with wide bandwidth and low output impedance, there is no need for unnatural sounding feedback.

•    The DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) chip being used is widely recognized in the audio and engineering community as one of the best sounding DAC chips available today.

•    The output buffer used to drive the headphones is fully discrete so that all individual parameters and circuit values and parts quality can be fully optimized for the absolute finest sound quality. The output impedance is very low so that the PonoPlayer delivers perfectly flat frequency response and wide volume range using virtually any set of headphones

而有關在Pono Music 上將會售賣的音樂格式,將會至少是一般CD質素的,以下引用官網(http://www.ponomusic.com/)的FAQ:

Is PonoMusic a new audio format? What about PonoMusic quality?

No.We want to be very clear that PonoMusic is not a new audio file format or standard.It is an end-to-end ecosystem for music lovers to get access to and enjoy their favorite music in the highest resolution possible for that song or album.The music in the PonoMusic.com store is sold and downloaded in industry standard audio file formats.
The PonoMusic Store uses FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) audio format as its standard, for compatibility, although the PonoPlayer can play most popular high-resolution music formats from other sources.PonoMusic has a quality spectrum, ranging from really good to really great, depending on the quality of the available master recordings:

•    CD lossless quality recordings: 1411 kbps (44.1 kHz/16 bit) FLAC files
•    High-resolution recordings: 2304 kbps (48 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files
•    Higher-resolution recordings: 4608 kbps (96 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files
•    Ultra-high resolution recordings: 9216 kbps (192 kHz/24 bit) FLAC files

暫時在Pono Music上還不能用Streaming的方式播放。

whitefang 發表於 2014-3-12 09:45

Porno Player (誤
技術上沒有什麼特別, 基本上同樣的"技術"在AK100都找到

muffy 發表於 2014-3-12 09:55

呢部第一眼有D iriver MP3影子 {:6_183:}

hiyori 發表於 2014-3-12 10:38


Andykong 發表於 2014-3-12 10:47

咦,原來 press release 提到的 128G 是 64G onboard + 64G memory card, 咁有小小取考部喎!

我昨天貼呢隻三角朱古力出來時都好奇怪,大家好似無乜反應咁,容我再吹一次雞,如果部 player 是由 Arye Acoustic 開發,由 Charles Haden 親自記參與的話,我會對 Pono Player 有非常大期望,當年 (1995) Charles Haden 以 K3/V3 前後級一嗚驚人,跟住推出的 K1/V1 更賣個滿堂紅,當時 Charles 的產品已強調 zero feedback, simple circuit topology, hand-matched transistor pairs,和 Pono player 現在標榜的大致相同。

自 K1/V1 之後 Charles Haden 的作品便成為 Sterophile Recommended Components 的常客,所以由 Ayre develop 既 player,用到 ES9018 dac,都只係賣 US$399 的話,其實是不容小觀的。

當然,耳聽為實,所以未有 trusted review 或 demo 以前,我也不打算狗衝,但大家不妨多點留意這部 player,可能會有很大驚喜啊!

muffy 發表於 2014-3-12 10:57

Andykong 發表於 2014-3-12 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
咦,原來 press release 提到的 128G 是 64G onboard + 64G memory card, 咁有小小取考部喎!

我昨天貼呢 ...

你咁高評價既~ 可以考慮衝wor!

muffy 發表於 2014-3-12 11:05

望番真D, 原來而加訂10月先ship...
咁無野啦...到時先算, 最討厭等待~

Andykong 發表於 2014-3-12 11:37

muffy 發表於 2014-3-12 10:57 static/image/common/back.gif
你咁高評價既~ 可以考慮衝wor!

小弟有幸,在十多年前的 CES 和 Charles Haden 有數面之緣,那時 Charles 當時得令,是小弟偶像之一,對他的 open minded, interactive 和 探索精神留下了十分深刻的印象 。

若以牌面和 Hi End Audio 的產品 track record 計投射到 digital music on-to-go 計,我對 Ayre 的期望比 Chord 和 Carlyx 更高, iRiver/AK 更是不可同日而喻!全 A 級的 Sterophile 成績單並不是浪得虛名的!


muffy 發表於 2014-3-12 12:17

Andykong 發表於 2014-3-12 11:37 static/image/common/back.gif
小弟有幸,在十多年前的 CES 和 Charles Haden 有數面之緣,那時 Charles 當時得令,是小弟偶像之一,對 ...

Andy 兄不如你衝啦!
強力支持! 最多中伏我要左佢!

sw69 發表於 2014-3-12 12:35


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