gikifk 發表於 2014-6-10 23:14


lamdog 發表於 2014-6-10 23:42

wadee 發表於 2014-6-10 22:47 static/image/common/back.gif
如4k藍光要hdmi 2.0先出到,甘你話影響大唔大?
Samgsung 4k tv 有獨立hdmi接 ...


About HDMI 2.0
HDMI 2.0 Spec Basics

HDMI 2.0 Equipment 100% backward compatible with all earlier HDMI standards and features
Max bandwidth increases from 10.2 Gbps to 18 Gbps
4K@50/60 (2160p) video, potential for 3D @4K
Up to 1536kHz audio sample rates
Up to 32 audio channels

The HDMI 2.0 spec does NOT define or require new cables or connectors, according to the information the HDMI Forum has released so far. Although the testing specification for HDMI 2.0 has not yet been established, and there are no cables that can be officially labeled as “HDMI 2.0 Compliant,” HDMI has stated that all current High Speed cables are capable of transmitting 18 Gbps when used with HDMI 2.0 electronics at both ends, and are therefore compatible with all HDMI 2.0 features. This is accomplished using signal processing that will be employed in all HDMI 2.0 hardware. For compatibility with all HDMI 2.0 features, new cables are not required for customers with High Speed cables, including AudioQuest High Speed HDMI cables.

In addition to the fact that HDMI 2.0 equipment will be 100% backward compatible with features from all previous versions of the HDMI spec, it’s also important to note that even when HDMI 2.0 equipment is used, bandwidths above the HDMI 1.4 maximum of 10.2 Gbps aren’t required unless video signals higher than 4K@30p are transmitted over the cable. Currently no such source material is available to consumers. Nearly all movie material at 4K would be 4K@24p for example.

Standard Speed cables will function with HDMI 2.0 electronics, but may not transmit higher bandwidth than they do with current HDMI 1.4 (or earlier) equipment. This means that a Standard Speed cable capable of transmitting 1080p at 16 meters will continue to be capable of transmitting 1080p when used with HDMI 2.0 electronics.


All AudioQuest High Speed HDMI cables (all AQ HDMI cables up to 10 meters) are capable of transmitting 18 Gbps signals, including 4K@60p and 4K 3D, when used with HDMI 2.0 electronics
Standard Speed cables will function with HDMI 2.0 electronics, but may not transmit higher data rates than they do with the current HDMI 1.4 (or earlier) equipment.
HDMI 2.0 electronics are 100% backward compatible with features of all previous HDMI versions
Increased bandwidth of HDMI 2.0 is only required for video signals beyond 4K@30p

HDMI 2.0 displays and electronics will not be widely available until 2014


lamdog 發表於 2014-6-10 23:42

gikifk 發表於 2014-6-10 23:14 static/image/common/back.gif

邊邊個話架? {:6_177:}

wadee 發表於 2014-6-10 23:45

lamdog 發表於 2014-6-10 23:42 static/image/common/back.gif

About HDMI 2.0


wadee 發表於 2014-6-10 23:49

lamdog 發表於 2014-6-10 23:42 static/image/common/back.gif

About HDMI 2.0

但如hdmi 2.0唔需換player, tv, hdmi, 甘點解LG又話回廠update硬件呢?

lamdog 發表於 2014-6-11 00:22

本帖最後由 lamdog 於 2014-6-11 00:47 編輯

wadee 發表於 2014-6-10 23:49 static/image/common/back.gif
但如hdmi 2.0唔需換player, tv, hdmi, 甘點解LG又話回廠update硬件呢?

我諗2.0只不過係對應標準,如文中所講,STANDARD SPEED既線(入門級)都一樣會對應到2.0既EQUIPMENT,只不過無對應1.4既EQUIPMENT咁好!

如我理解,只要條HDMI線傳輸速度夠快,頻寛夠大,一樣可以將有關4K既訊號經1.4HDMI頭傳入電視,因為10.2 Gbps data rates已經足夠應付4K既形象,當然HDMI 2.0 最高係可以處理到18Gbps data rates.

又或者簡單啲講,我買左部3D PLAYER(行1.4)插落部2D(行1.2b)既 FLAT LV度,播2D碟又得唔得?要唔要因為3D PLAYER係行1.4而換左我部舊款行1.2b 既FLAT TV?

Andykong 發表於 2014-6-11 01:42

wadee 發表於 2014-6-10 23:49 static/image/common/back.gif
但如hdmi 2.0唔需換player, tv, hdmi, 甘點解LG又話回廠update硬件呢?

唉,如果對你來講真係咁難明,你又覺得Sales 講野可靠 D,又擔心將來 HD1.4 既機係會變廢鐵,咁你快 D 去買HDMI 2.0 既機好了,剩係安心個下都值既!

Andykong 發表於 2014-6-11 01:56

lamdog 發表於 2014-6-11 00:22 static/image/common/back.gif
我諗2.0只不過係對應標準,如文中所講,STANDARD SPEED既線(入門級)都一樣會對應到2.0既EQUIPMENT,只不過無 ...


據我理解,hdmi 1.4 的問題是 4K 只能 support至 30 fps, 而 hdmi2.0 是可 support 到 60 fps, 但實際上 30fps 已能 cover 沿用的 video 和 movie content, 有機會到 60fps 的應是 game 和 live broadcast, 我完全唔打 game, 而香港幾時先會有 4k live broadcast? 所以我對 hdmi 2.0 並不太緊張, nice to have but not a big deal if not supported.

完全無影響,基本上只有 live broadcast 先會有機去到 hdmi 1.4support 唔到要用hdmi2.0, 以香港既電視廣播進程來說,實在杞人憂天了,反而要留意以後的4K蓝光發展,那是未知之數,雖然理論上電影應不會行 high frame rate 的。

不如大家一齊 research 下,係乜野情況下你會有 4K 60Hz 既野要係部電視上播出啦? 就以 Bluray 為例,有無人見過 Blueray 碟係 native 1920x1080 @ 50Hz or 60 Hz?如果所有 DVD 和 bluray 都係 30Hz 以下,咁大家有理心擔心將來的 4K Bluray 會加左 resolution 後再加 frame rate?

如果4K Bluray 都係 HMDI v1.4 既範疇以內,咁仲有乜野會超越 HDMI v1.4 而必須要 v2.0 呢?

下次有 Sales 講 HDMI v1.4 有乜野播唔到,要上 v2.0,你問佢知唔知乜野係 frame rate,而佢所講既野又係行緊幾多 Hz 囉!

wadee 發表於 2014-6-11 06:55

本帖最後由 wadee 於 2014-6-11 06:57 編輯

Andykong 發表於 2014-6-11 01:42 static/image/common/back.gif
唉,如果對你來講真係咁難明,你又覺得Sales 講野可靠 D,又擔心將來 HD1.4 既機係會變廢鐵,咁你快 D...


Stanley5387 發表於 2014-6-11 08:17

Andykong 發表於 2014-6-11 01:56 static/image/common/back.gif
唔敢話我既理解一定無錯,但大家不妨討論下: ...

多謝師兄提供顯淺易明嘅資料 ~ 唔該唒! {:6_193:}
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查看完整版本: LG 55LA9700 (FALD, 4K, 被動3D)

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