lokkk 發表於 2014-3-7 23:43

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-7 23:32 static/image/common/back.gif
係wor 我唔記得左師兄你係問rhines而無問過ve,我問錯問題添。
想要的是原廠對stage5的形容呢,始終rhines ...


mansk2012 發表於 2014-3-7 23:52

ANYWAY VE6 我試過既朋友都係50 50

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-8 00:11

lokkk 發表於 2014-3-7 23:43 static/image/common/back.gif


話說我係台灣討論區mobile01見到有人問過Vision Ears 原廠有關VE6嘅問題,原廠回答得好詳細之餘,mobile01那邊的會員更自己幫網友翻譯埋中文,超好人。
關於VE6兩個版本的調音方向與X control音質的問題Marcel很快就回覆了,以德國人來說,他的英文算是非常好,我來文照登,附上中文翻譯。

Hi Stanley,

X2 has a additional resistor that damps the bass and middle frequencies. Additionally I put in other capacitors to modulate the high mids. The additional resistor doesn't make the X2 inferior, it's absolutely usual to use small resistor values to bring the intensity and impedances of the drivers into balance. All In-Ear manufacturers do it.


Now to the idea of the Xcontrol. We wanted to create a new model that suits to the needs of our clients who are musicians.The idea was having a big attanuation on the bass and lower mids, increasing the soundstage and with this the details of the signal. We assumed that this version would not suit to the needs of most audiophiles, so the idea came up to offer two versions. One with high attenuation on the bass and lower mids (x2) and the other one not touched (x1). To make it more comfortable to compare them, we had the idea of putting a switch on the Demo unit. And this brought us to the conclusion to offer the switchable version also.

”現在來談談X Control的概念。我們一開始是想要開發一個新的型號來符合我們那些音樂家客戶的需求,作法是把低頻與中低頻做大幅度的衰減從而加大音場並讓細節浮現。這個版本我們猜想可能不符合耳機燒友的口味,因此我們決定開發兩個版本-低頻與中低頻有衰減的稱作X2,而X1是沒有衰減的版本。為了要更容易比較兩個版本的差異,我們想到了在試聽機上加上切換開關。這個做法讓我們決定也供應可以切換的版本。“

It's more complex then most people think. When i had the idea of the switch I also thought it would be easy but the more I completed the crossover the more I found out how complex it is. It's rather easy to develop two different sounding In-Ears with the same drivers, but as soon as you put a switch between both crossover, they are connected on several points and they interact to each other. So I always had to keep the interaction in mind when changing one part on one of these crossovers.


The differences between both versions are very noticable, but they are NOT two completely different sound characteristics. This would be too complex. People can choose between „powerful" or „balanced" sound. And who like both can choose the Xcontrol version to have both.

"兩個版本間的差異是顯著的,但並不是兩種完全不同的聲音走向--我不想搞得太複雜。用家可以自己決定要比較有”低頻權威感“(powerful)或比較“整體平衡‘(balanced)的版本。而想兩者皆擁有的就選擇X Control的版本。"

The component of the switch is very high quality. It's been tested in terms of durability and resistance against humidity. It is able to last for minimum 50.000 cycles/clicks and passed through environmental tests which include damp heat, artificial sweat test, temperature cycle (hot to cold to hot etc). We give an extended guarantee of 3 years on this component.


Hope this helps you. If you have any further questions, please let me know.

All the best


lokkk 發表於 2014-3-8 00:16

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-8 00:11 static/image/common/back.gif

話說我係台灣討論區mobile01見到有人問過Vision Ears 原廠有關VE6嘅問題,原 ...


那邊廂說好的demo都無影啦, 仲奢求人地比到答案你咩{:1_331:}

mansk2012 發表於 2014-3-8 00:17

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-8 00:11 static/image/common/back.gif

話說我係台灣討論區mobile01見到有人問過Vision Ears 原廠有關VE6嘅問題,原 ...


mansk2012 發表於 2014-3-8 00:24

等我試下SEND 個EMAIL 過去RHINES 問下喇{:9_434:}

lokkk 發表於 2014-3-8 00:26

mansk2012 發表於 2014-3-8 00:24 static/image/common/back.gif


physicx 發表於 2014-3-8 00:31

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-3-8 00:11 static/image/common/back.gif

話說我係台灣討論區mobile01見到有人問過Vision Ears 原廠有關VE6嘅問題,原 ...


lokkk 發表於 2014-3-8 00:34

physicx 發表於 2014-3-8 00:31 static/image/common/back.gif

師兄試左了? 有報告嗎?

btw 粒的肯做3年保算係咁{:1_262:}

physicx 發表於 2014-3-8 00:35

lokkk 發表於 2014-3-8 00:34 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄試左了? 有報告嗎?

btw 粒的肯做3年保算係咁

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