wai0803 發表於 2015-1-9 16:51

本帖最後由 wai0803 於 2015-1-9 17:37 編輯


jaffeinism 發表於 2015-1-10 18:08

係mobile01到看到, 順手轉過尼呢度, 如果有人睇到有意見, 麻煩通知版主del, thx~~~


So i spent a nice time with Rob Watts and John Franks of Chord today. We talked about many things. Some highlights:

* the TT and the 2Qute both have USB inputs that are galvanically isolated, with 2 picofarads separating/cutting the grounds.

* because of this Rob now prefers the USB over the toslink as his favorite input (read: no more need to do things like use the Hugo sd USB input and the Olimex isolator)

* unlike the HD and EX in the Qute series, the 2Qute now uses the same drivers and same chip (UAC2) as the Hugo, that allows driverless lLinux and OSX implementations

* when I asked which of the new Hugo platforms would have better SQ John answered very Frankly (sorry, couldn't resist) that it depends on the setup....that those users like me who have little need for a headphone preamp or digital preamp function (i.e use their own preamp) that the SQ of the 2Qute will come very close to that of the TT. They are simply intended for two different audiences (TT adding a legit remote controlled-preamp amd headphone amp plus state of the art battery power using supercapacitors). Rob added that he worked some magic on the more robust ps in the 2Qute and doubted I would find better sound with an external linear like i did especially with the Qute HD.

Two announcements I am allowed to make:

1) Chord will have a Qute replacement/upgrade program for the 2Qute, but my feeling is that, like many upgrade programs, the Qute owner may rather find better dollars doing a sell, rebuy. Plus then one doesn't own a "hybrid" (new board, old case) a more difficult value prop for resale down the line.

2) Chord has moved the QBD announcement until the Munich Show, when they will be ready to deliver this new generation of Rob's WTA filter technology.

xlarge1 發表於 2015-1-11 00:37


everbest 發表於 2015-1-11 12:15

xlarge1 發表於 2015-1-11 00:37 static/image/common/back.gif


kennyddd 發表於 2015-1-11 13:35


jaffeinism 發表於 2015-1-11 19:27

"市面上超咼九成九的解碼器都像ALPHA DAC REF. Series 一樣, 先將DSD信號轉換成PCM格式, 才以MULTIBIT模式進行數模轉換; 當中最大差異可能是, 人家志在顯示器上煞有介事地打出"DSD"字樣, 故讓DSD轉換PCM的工作在解碼器裡, 甚至在DAC晶片內進行。這手法雖然成本不高, 兼能逗得消費者高興, 卻足以影響聲音。故此, 擇善固執的Berkeley, 寧可坦率地只打出"176.4KHZ"

至於DSD轉PCM的責任, BERKELEY採取了類近對待USB DAC的手法, 將之外判出去, 皆因DSD轉PCM的工作, 其實是軟件程式運算的工作, 配合BERKELEY 指定的JRIVER 播放軟件, 足以高水準地將原生DSD轉化成24/176.4KHZ PCM, 兼處理所有16/44.1-24/192KHZ PCM數碼檔....


xlarge1 發表於 2015-1-12 12:56

everbest 發表於 2015-1-11 12:15 static/image/common/back.gif

check pm please

oldtype 發表於 2015-1-12 13:28

xlarge1 發表於 2015-1-11 00:37 static/image/common/back.gif


Near 發表於 2015-1-13 21:43

琴日入左手 仲係度摸熟緊 咩輸入,配搭好玩d

Macbook pro ->原裝optical->hugo->K812,K701

rcchan168 發表於 2015-1-13 22:53

xlarge1 發表於 2015-1-12 12:56 static/image/common/back.gif
check pm please

Ching 可以PM我嗎?
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查看完整版本: 2014 強勢開箱篇之一 - Chord Hugo

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