bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 16:30

可惜無位, 買多兩隻ERM-1都係有限錢,停產後買唔番,點算好

claero 發表於 2009-8-4 16:32

claero 兄

其實美國佬喇叭我都無聽人介紹,傻傻地買返來又幾好,可能之前個平野Pioneer 中置太差
bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 16:27

美國佬 produce good av system ....but music or cd , i think england speaker would be greater "usually", except very very hgh end u.s. speaker

hearter 發表於 2009-8-4 17:11

"Heater hing,

你個logo成棚架差(hifi gears)都吾野少, 重認新仔"

?? what is that lei ga? don't know bor, not microwave mei? {:6_141:}...just kidding..
Of coz i'm just the 新仔會員, as seen.....Really enjoy surfing in Post76...but prefer some topics like this one...more professional and expert for me to "absorb" information...rather than just icon like these...--->{:6_149:}

anyway...really soo much eager to wait for the report ...coz i'm wondering how these american amp will B&K, Outlaw....will their characteristic simliar to mcintosh...(in some way of coz..hee! {:6_177:}

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 17:19


claero 發表於 2009-8-4 17:24

B&K, Outlaw was good amp , i read many review from u.s. talk about it .

wing13149 發表於 2009-8-4 17:29

喇叭呢家野愈大愈好,因為單元愈大愈好, 小弟咁諗, 因習慣聽歌唔開 Sub-woofer
bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 04:16 PM

hearter 發表於 2009-8-4 18:13

"B&K, Outlaw was good amp , i read many review from u.s. talk about it ."

yes I totally agree....!! {:6_184:} Just wonder sometimes there must be some "hero" to try them out...but I think as far as the speakers is not expensive, they also worth a try....It actually really surprise as the shipping cost is reseaonable....The worst scenerio is..put them as computer speaker lor....{:6_182:}

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 22:07


bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 22:09

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 22:11

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