wing13149 發表於 2009-8-6 00:13

rickytoto 發表於 2009-8-5 11:31 PM{:1_347:}

hearter 發表於 2009-8-6 10:03

bbbaba hing... i know that your amp is 200w at 5 channel...and lesser the channel higher the W for each channel...but is there any switch I could change like to 3 channel but still at 200w for each instead for larger W.

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-6 11:01

No switch, according to the forum.Idle power would channel automatically. Actually no way to know whether that is really 250w

claero 發表於 2009-8-6 15:59

bbbaba hing :
is it possible to let me hear your power amp because i want to buy one .
thanks a lot

hearter 發表於 2009-8-6 16:01

"bbbaba hing :
is it possible to let me hear your power amp because i want to buy one .
thanks a lot "
me too me too.....but afraid will then lost $ to this brand..{:6_243:}.of coz at your convenience la...{:6_128:}

ah_sai 發表於 2009-8-6 16:13

137# hearter

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-6 23:29

Sorry guys, my whole family is shy.

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-6 23:32

Hey guys, I receive a mail today that Emotiva is on Sale from today:

The following items will be on Sale August 6th through 23rd
XPA-3 $549.00 plus freight
XPA-2 $699.00 plus freight
UPA-7 $629.00 plus freight
Visit us at
Enjoy! Cathy Laufman

XPA-3 all-in would be app $5.5K only.

rklpoon 發表於 2009-12-7 19:25

本帖最後由 rklpoon 於 2009-12-7 19:27 編輯

bbbaba hing :

What is the pre-ampyou are using and are you using only 5.1 channels (not 7.1 channels)?

I am interested in the UPA-7 or XPA-7 and the long waited UMC-1(US$699).

Although it seems easy to choose(I am using 7.1 channels Klipsch-RF-15, RC-52, RS-42 and Velodyne CHT8R):-

1) If 5.1 channles, buy XPA-5 (US$699)
2) If 7.1 channels, buy UPA-7 (US$599)

The price difference is only US$100 (5 Vs 7 channels; XLR Vs RCA; more power & better sound?).I am still un-decided on 1 or 2 because I am a Yamaha fan.But the price of AVR is high and each year or so a new/better/more-featured model rolls out urge me to buy a power amp.

francis_leung21 發表於 2009-12-9 09:32

我上過B&W 同埋OUTLAW 個網....OUTLAW D AMP 出EMO D AMP 貴D....唔計運費125X7=1皮...200X7 個隻皮半.....B&K 冇價....但係原來2個廠都已經出佐HD 制式....前級都係1皮到...好毒...有冇人搵到佢地D AMP 既內部圖..
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