bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:06

今晚睇下可唔可以上相比大家睇下成品外觀質數, 不過要12點後屋企人睇完 J2 花樣男子

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:12

claero ching
Now my centre is just connected with the Onkyo 706. Already improved a lot to me althoug just a few hours of trial. Wondering if there is great improvement if using the power amp. that supposed to connect L C R and may be bi-amp in future (3 channels - 8 ohm = 250 watts per channel).
May be tonight use my spare computer power cable to try try before collecting the group order on 6th. Cheers

hearter 發表於 2009-8-4 14:15

bbbaba hing,
I have heard this brand long time, both the amp and the speaker seems great value. really hope to have the home visit coz I just want to know how is it I know the designer of the speaker is one that also responsible for M&K design too...dont' know it 's true or not but wish to test the power of this brand.....

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:18


唔識set, 可否指教下

hearter 發表於 2009-8-4 14:19

As i also looked into the avsforum, there are special group of ppl discussing this brand....and quite a lot of good feedback. So bad they stop manufacturing the model (forget the serial no.) which has 200Wx7....

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:23

hearter hing,

Exactly! I check internet for months and finally made decision as a gift for myself.Just an impulse buying.

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:25

hearter hing,

to be fair, moster ppl in the avsforum and those in the emotiva forum seems to be the same group of ppl.I guess just a few thousands it worth to try.

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:31

But would 200Wx7 too big for apartment size common in HK.I have no idea and hence I try the 200Wx5 first.

Some comment in US forum actually mentioned that they add 1x XPA-2 or 2x XPA-1 to further improve sound quality.

bbbaba 發表於 2009-8-4 14:32

ryanenen hing,

Yes Sir! Try my best tonight

jessica 發表於 2009-8-4 14:36

本帖最後由 jessica 於 2009-8-4 14:38 編輯


speaker 價錢超合理

自己 dIY 都吾得!!

見到隻 erm-2 我都有 d 衝動 ^__^
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