andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 10:26

Ninewest 發表於 2012-10-18 10:08 static/image/common/back.gif
FAD代理應該係ECT,唔係DMA(我果隻個盒有laser label)。樓主係唔係講FI-BA-SS?哩個Model剛剛停產,建議 ...

Thanks for Ching remind, this is the model. 我印家佢地係Close-partner,係HiFi show 到我有直接同DMA 及 ECT 直接對話。當時佢正面回答,係HiFi Show 呢段時間會比較busy,等佢做完個show之後,一定會同廠攞到個合理既offer比我老友。一等就個幾月;如果20% off listed price 係佢地當時講既"合理"offer。咁各師兄自己唸唸呢兩間公司既"合理"程度係咪可以接受及支持。{:6_183:}

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 10:37

CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 10:17 static/image/common/back.gif
我唔係代理,我都想係,唔好一味話意見不同 ...

我亦重辛,如果買個時"賣方講明,件貨壞咗冇得整,而我老友照比錢,咁件事先叫合理呀!Mr. Agent{:6_192:}

CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 11:01

本帖最後由 CLP 於 2012-10-18 11:13 編輯

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 10:37 static/image/common/back.gif
我"有單有據"老友。而家我又冇話佢要做"保養"。我所講係"修理"老友,過保比錢都冇得修理、你都話"合理"。 ...

首先我唔認為dma或者ect做得到,就算得,你希望佢收你幾錢? $5000維修費合唔合理? 幾多先合理?

ahnel 發表於 2012-10-18 11:38

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 10:11 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄,用嘢粗唔粗又關乜事呀!第同揸名貴跑車唔好咁大油會傷車架!著對名貴皮鞋唔好行衔。就住就住黎用, ...

師兄你冷靜D, 我好明白過保冇得整係激氣, 但係耳機哩家野, 好多係mass production機啤出黎, 爛左真係好難人手去整, 你話shure係一換一, 一換一其實就經已係冇得整啦, 有得整駛鬼一換一咩, 所以你要接受耳機冇得整哩個事實~{:6_146:}

如果我係代理我會同你講, 有得整, 不過要寄番日本, 因為過保要收零件費手工費同埋船費, 會先報價比你, 你決定整唔整~
好喇, 一個星期後報比你, 要整6千蚊, 問你整唔整~


andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 11:50

CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 11:01 static/image/common/back.gif
首先我唔認為dma或者ect做得到,就算得,你希望佢收你幾錢? $5000 ...

You sound really like an agent and speaking like the agent. Responsible is not the"Cup of Tea" and never will bear any responsibility. That is why I have to widely advise all those Ching in regard of this brand and agent affair. In consiideration of their "After Sales" Service, be consider in regard this brand and the parties concerned.

Only the agent would raise the incident to a legal action, the layman would not bother, this is not our intention if there is fair deal between the customer and agent.

Lucky, we have this Plateform "Forum" to voice out the term " Force Majeure" that the agent or the manufacturersalways use to deline and decline their liability. Being an responsible agent like all those successful agent in the market, they will charge for a reasonable and fair "Repair Fees" for their product, as they care for their "Customer" and treat this as a part of their "Investment". Reputation has to build up with this investment. If an agent or the manufacturer would not bear or willing to bear these investment. Only a word with "F" would be their result, the customers will finally choose where to buy and what to buy.

In view of CLP ching have a highest acceptable term of "Fair and Resonable". We are totally in a different channel, and that I am sorry and prepared will not respond to your reply

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 12:05

ahnel 發表於 2012-10-18 11:38 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄你冷靜D, 我好明白過保冇得整係激氣, 但係耳機哩家野, 好多係mass production機啤出黎, 爛左真係好難 ...

Totally understand, in fact, I am not the owner of this product. This is belong to a good friend of Mine.

Ching when talk about the repair charge, be considered the terms "Fair and Resonable". The manufacturer has a right to charge any cost for repairing. Customer has the rigth to accept the offer. Totally understand this is the fair market.

Bear in mind, R/D, Customer relationship, reputation and after sales service, all of these are marketing, they are costly and have to invest. If the company do not want to consider this is a part of their investment, they can charge up to unreasonable price to get rid of their customers. Being a customer, we do not want to learn from these "Hard Lession", and that is why I have to speak up.

Secondly, the "Shure" product I bougth and have it repair. I have no idea whether it is a replacement or repair, as long as I paid a "Very resonable repair charges", and received it good order. That is consider to be a good service.

In the customer market, I and the majority would never consider and aware of the product could never been repaired. Luckly this is happened here in Hong Kong. I wonder if it is happened in US other western country, the story will end up differently. Last but not the least, the price of the Hong Kong agent is already higher than the western world, but the service ........ If the ear phone like ching said, one should bear in mind that this is not a product to be repair. I would encourage to buy from oversea market and look for the cheapest, if there weren't any service locally.

CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 12:09


CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 12:09

本帖最後由 CLP 於 2012-10-18 12:14 編輯

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 11:50 static/image/common/back.gif
You sound really like an agent and speaking like the agent. Responsible is not the"Cup of Tea" a ...


ahnel 發表於 2012-10-18 12:31

andprise 發表於 2012-10-18 12:05 static/image/common/back.gif
Totally understand, in fact, I am not the owner of this product. This is belong to a good friend o ...

無論如何, 師兄都講出左一個事實, Final Audio過保一壞就等於total loss, 買唔買就自己決定啦~{:6_142:}

至於話DMA啱唔啱, 就真係冇得講, 可能DMA同FA傾果陣, FA覺得香港個sales volume根本唔值去offer一換一都唔定, 哩個都係假設, 實際佢個運作係點真係要行家先清楚喇~

但最重要一點就係睇番成個case真係明買明賣, 代理又冇呃人, 你只可以話佢可以做得更好, 又好難話佢唔啱~{:6_211:}

CLP 發表於 2012-10-18 12:37

ahnel 發表於 2012-10-18 12:31 static/image/common/back.gif
無論如何, 師兄都講出左一個事實, Final Audio過保一壞就等於total loss, 買唔買就自己決定啦~...

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