咪住先,你果部糸咪美麗地,糸就唔洗買署光,跟机就糸柱光oem,sound master 都好似系, ...
4pk 發表於 2012-1-8 00:33 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實full music 買吾買得過? 其實full music 買吾買得過?
Lester 發表於 2012-1-8 00:42 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
full music 好多款,我用近灰屏普通個隻,滿意中
回復 16# avlam咪住先,你果部糸咪美麗地,糸就唔洗買署光,跟机就糸柱光oem,sound master 都好似系,而新金C 就系so 朕旦,所以舊金C 會好聲D
的確美麗地跟機暑光膽亦相當不俗,前輩也說是經過悉心配對,舊金KT77簡直係dream tubes, 可惜財力有所不及,四支要接近兩萬嗎(NOS)?希望我記錯
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 {:6_193:}膽機{:6_193:}
我用緊...OCTAVE V80 佢貴人善忘,驚攪到佢啫 !!!
avlam 發表於 2012-1-8 00:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我有野忘左咩?{:6_141:} this is such a good post, How about me
EL34 x 4
6SN7 x 4
5AR4 x 2
Any good suggestion???Th ...
mcleo 發表於 2012-1-7 22:39 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
EL34 x 4- 後級
6SN7 x 4 - 前級
5AR4 x 2 - 整流
以小弟道聽途說, 後級旦(EL34) 貴前級旦好多,而且後級旦一般只有幾年命,前級旦可以用十幾年, 加上前級控制音色非常重要,所以多數人suggest 玩左前旦先, 至於整流旦就吾識啦
EL34 x 4- 後級
6SN7 x 4 - 前級
5AR4 x 2 - 整流
以小弟道聽途說, 後級旦(EL34) 貴前級旦好多,而且後級旦一般只有幾年命,前級旦可以用十幾年, 加上前級控制音色非常重要,所以多數人suggest 玩左前旦先, 至於整流旦就吾識啦
Lester 兄,咁6SN7有乜好介紹,後級膽就有好多師兄推薦golden lion re-issue KT77
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Lester 兄,咁6SN7有乜好介紹,後級膽就有好多師兄推薦golden lion re-issue KT77
- 發送自我的 iPhone...
mcleo 發表於 2012-1-8 11:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都未換過,吾識wor, 6sn7 look look 4PK link:http://www.audiotubes.com/6sn7.htm
最勁應該係 mulllard 同 Telefunken,
mullard 應該係旦味最濃, 聽Nile King Cole , 琴姐啱晒
Telefunken 就走分析,音場,動態路線, 我唸古典,樂器 係佢強項
RCA 係美國野, 都好多人讚,不過特性吾係好知
以上全部都係我紙上談兵,你聽下就算吾好咁認真..{:6_136:} 5,60年代的Amperex 是不錯的選擇,2k左右對如果找到
duo 發表於 2012-1-7 21:16 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thx ching, 2k 好似貴左D, 我仲有8隻要換呀~ {:6_126:} Lester 兄,咁6SN7有乜好介紹,後級膽就有好多師兄推薦golden lion re-issue KT77
- 發送自我的 iPhone...
mcleo 發表於 2012-1-8 11:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I tried the following 6SN7s:
60s RCA 6SN7GTB, CBS Hytron 6SN7GT and Re-issue Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB.
By comparison, RCA was warm and thick in vocal with the smoothest high, but you may find the bass is a bit slow and fat.The CBS was the most balanced among the 3 with a very attractive and detailed vocal; high frequency and bass had good enough extension, at least to me.The Tung-Sol...good quantity (but not quality) in bass, but the vocal and high were rough, and did not have the smoothness when you compare with the RCAs and CBSs.
Those are just based on my own preferences, other people may come up with different feelings, and hope the above information would give you a bit of idea of the different characteristics of different tubes.