Q1: 請問i-pad 2 用既程或是否一定用i-pad下載,可否用電腦下載後再入落i-pad才安裝?
A1: Yes, can download from computer and sync to install
Q2: 我見i-pad 2用既Smart Cover 價錢好大差別?由$佰幾至三佰都有,是否有部份是假貨?
A2: Of course
Q3: i-pad 2用邊款外套會較好呢?
A3: Depends you like safety, good looking, or elegant... Usually, Apple 原裝 is the best if you don't mind matching with lot of people on street.
Q4: 如果i-pad 2用的汽車差電是雜廠,部機會否容易壞呢?
A4: Should not 易壞. but if 壞, no one (Apple or the 3rd party) will pay you to fix or buy a new ipad...