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Media Player: TViX HD N1 (HD Cafe) Official Firmware 2.1.0









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發表於 2011-10-9 09:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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The major differences from last version (2.0.5) are new Web-Remote™ ,improves Media Library and Youtube Video.

http://www.tvix.co.kr/ENG/downlo ... +HD+&pSerial=71

Release Notes for Rev 2.1.0 since Rev 2.0.5.

** From 2.0.8 version, fixes the problem of youtube video playback.
** From 2.0.7 version, fixes GPT partition was not recognised.

[ Multimedia Player/ System ]
1. Improves Web-Remote
- Changes major user interface to more intuitive one.
  - Supports progress bar to show the current status of playback. You can also click the progress bar to change the playback position.
  - So it becomes more and more usable without TV, when you want to use TVIX as music server.

2. Improves Media Library
- Add searching feature. You can type the searching words by virtual keyboard (using remote).
- You can search music by artist/ album/ title/ file name. You can search movie, photo by file name.
- Supports APE/ FLAC/ OGG tags and it will be enabled in Media Library.
- If there is no audio tag, searching may not be enabled. Please update the audio information using below FAQ.
http://www.tvix.co.kr/ENG/faq/de ... erial=52&id=744

3. Adds multi-language virtual keyboard
  - Supports simplified Chinese/ traditional Chinese/ Korean/ Latin Extended.
  - The virtual keyboard will be automatically changed according to the menu-language at set-up, if available.
  - You can use this virtual keyboard at You-Tube searching, file name editing and play-list editing.
  - You can change the virtual keyboard by selecting “ABC” button on the virtual keyboard.

4. Supports external subtitle browser
  - By selecting “Subtitle” button on remote then select “Extra SUB” to browse the external subtitle file in the same folder.
  - This “Extra SUB” button will be disabled if external subtitle file does not exist in the same folder.
  - Will not support upper folder or other folder’s subtitle file.

5. Supports CUE file on WAV file format

6. Adds Serbian , Thai and Simplified Chinese menu languages.
- Supports all 25 languages now.

7. Fixes video not-showing bug on some MKV files.

1. Adds manual IP address configuration on Wi-Fi.
2. Supports FTP password changing at SET-UP.
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