manki brother, you got me, my man
after the change of my speakers, I may need an amp with more power...I've got a bit headache now.......temp. use exist Linn system first, I have to audition the new speakers for a while, Int. Amp become the next step. Indeed, this post became a speakers seletion post...haha, of cause I am happy to see many Ching share their views in here.
聆聽面積大約140-150方呎,由於客廳始終要配合家庭起居環境,及家具擺設,所以仍然以大一點的書架喇叭為佳,CM1在此客廳顯得很吃力,高頻的凝聚變弱,低頻量感均有所下降,可能是地方對她來說太大吧,我覺得以前她放在90方呎睡房時表現就很棒!!!!我的后級不過是50W x 2的AB類,卻把CM1推得很貼服,唯獨動態的對比不夠,這亦可能是CM1小巧身軀的天性。
I dare not suggest you manKi brother ^^, just my 2 cents, if I am you, I go for CM5 or product in the same size, depends on what "teste" you wish.
I'd like to consider the area of the dinning room, unless there is a wall between it and the living room and make the living room become a real audition room