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Media Player: WDTV LIVE 新固件 1.06.15









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發表於 2011-8-12 23:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Resolved Issues: 1.06.15 (9/8/2011)

http://support.wdc.com/download/ ... Notes_1_06_15_V.pdf

• Supports Czech and Dutch languages in the user interface.
• Resolved Media Library issue where playing an ISO and DVD (.VOB) is not added in recent list.
• Resolved video quick menu not showing selection correctly.
• Resolved black screen when playing dat or ts video file.(mpeg format)
• Resolved PlayTo issue where menu icon in video option do not move when navigating during playback
• Resolved poor menu performance due to background task running.
• Resolved audio Track display always shows as file name.
• Resolved music info missing when opening photo info from option in slideshow.
• Resolved thumbnail blurring while browsing music.
• Resolved scrolling issue where artifacts would show if scrolling too fast.
• Resolved issue where the FF/RW icon would display in preview mode for folder.
• Resolved issue unable to connect to Wi-Fi when SSID is not broadcast.
• Resolved Tunein issue where removing a preset doesn’t take effect until preset section is reopened.
• Resolved issue where some PGS subtitles would not display in MKV container.
• Resolved issue where screen display “Unsupported subtitle” message on option bar.
• Resolved issue where default subtitle stream flags are ignored.
• Resolved issue where 4:3 aspect ratio setting resets to widescreen after power cycle.
• Resolved issue where all audio above 48KHz is being downsampled to 48KHz.
• Resolved Flingo issue where FF and Play will black out screen for 10 or more sections.
• Resolved Facebook security encryption issue when selecting shortcut key www. in password page.
• Resolved Facebook issue of not being able to upload to Facebook if photo is in full screen view.
• Resolved Facebook issue where no error message shows up when network cable is disconnected.
• Resolved .ISO and .VOB issue where the info bar stays on the screen during playback.
• Resolved file management issue where certain files are corrupted on a GUID or APM HFS+J format drives.
• Resolved issue where firmware upgrade did not work for certain USB drive formats,
• Resolved Deezer issue where the options icon disappears on the radio playlist.
• Resolved issue where Deezer will not play any music tracks or songs from any radio stations
• Resolved DVD (ISO or VOB) issue where playback will not resume after unit power cycle.
• Resolved issue where certain MKVs videos do not play sound.
• Resolved AVI issue where pressing skip twice causes video to jump back to start.
• Resolved several general user interface alignment issues.
• Resolved issue where MPEG2 video lags or freezes.
• Resolved issue with 2TB hard drive not mounting.
• Resolved issue with system becoming unresponsive after hot unplugging the hard drive.
• Resolved video playback issue with certain .MOV, MPEG4, PCM 2ch videos resulting in incoherent audio.
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