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The Audyssey / SVS Audio Correction Device - Bass Control and Management Device









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The Ultimate Home Theater Component from Audyssey and SVS - The Sound Authority
The world’s best subwoofers still have to contend with tough rooms, maybe like yours. With the twin channel AS-EQ1, you can finally, affordably, integrate
cutting-edge Audyssey subwoofer equalization technology into your home theater or music system. It corrects single or dual subwoofers, automatically, for
a large listening area, and with precision no conventional parametric EQ (PEQ) can match. It’s like nothing out there.

Easy Setup and Better Bass
The powerful Audyssey correction algorithm uses sophisticated FIR-based methods and the most advanced digital signal processing (DSP) chip to correct your sound without introducing
distortion such as "ringing" that is often caused by traditionalPEQ. A simple, powerful graphical interface allows for easy menu-driven setup with any PC.
Front panel connections are neatly hidden behind our custom and elegant faceplate. A dedicated microphone is included to ensure optimum results.

Improvement on New or Existing Audio Systems
The AS-EQ1 connects to the subwoofer output jacks of all home theater processors and corrects low frequency room problems in just minutes, all without special equipment.

A Bigger Sweet Spot: Adjusts for Multiple Positions and Multiple Subs
The AS-EQ1 can handle two independent subwoofers, whether they are collocated or not - even stereo subs. It applies frequency and time domain correction and
has the capability to individually delay each subwoofer for better blending with the main channels.
The SVS AS-EQ1 can now correct bass for an incredible 32 positions, to cover any listening area.

Low Frequency Correction
The AS-EQ1 uses Audyssey's latest Adaptive Low Frequency Correction Technology (ALFC), which is the most advanced bass calibration method available to consumers today.
It performs frequency and time domain correction and avoids the pitfalls of traditional PEQ devices that only operate on the frequency domain.

Professional Results from Years of Research
The AS-EQ1 low frequency correction system is the ultimate means to optimize bass reproduction in your room. No PEQ system has the processing power and resolution of
the proprietary Audyssey FIR-based method. Visit www.audyssey.com for more information on MultEQ and Audyssey.

SVS Room EQ - Product Leaflet
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