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FS: Aqvox USB DAC II 192/24









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90% new. Asking $5800


NEW in the MKII Version:
Headphone amplifier in audiophile quality and USB headphone amp.
In the USB2DA-MKI version, only the USB-input was connected to an average quality headphoneamplifier, but in the new MKII version we connected ALL inputs (USB, AES/EBU, COAX and TOSLINK) to the new highend Headphone-Amp. The fully discrete Class-A circuitry has no IC in signalpath and delivers exceptional soundquality.
A first class monitoring solution. The headphoneamp is coupled directly to the DAC chip.
This saves the voltage gain stage - a shorter signalpath is almost not possible.

No global overall feedback
Fully discrete (single transistors) Single Ended Class A amplification technology and the use of just one amplifier per balanced analog output stage provides you with today's best possible sound quality. The amplifier section runs without global overall negative feedback, only lokal FB is used. Thus the amplifier generates drastically less dynamic distortions.

JitterEx precision-reclocking 192kHz/24Bit upsampling
Before the digital to analog conversion process, all signals are upsampled and converted to 192kHz/24Bit (unless the bypass is activated). This procedure is advantageous because DACs can offer better performance at higher sampling rates. Upsampling enables filtering to take place far beyond the range of human hearing, as well as offering other, audible benefits, right across the audio band, including improved transient response and less ringing. This results in a more open, transparent sound, tighter bass and a generally more "musical" sound. Anyhow - AQVOX means it sounds better without Upsampling - so set on BYPASS.

True balanced circuitry for entire analog signal path
Featured with an AES/EBU digital input and a balanced XLR analog output the USB 2 D/A is the best choice for professional users to monitor digital recordings. True balanced circuitry for entire analog signal path. The USB 2 D/A is also excellent for persons who strive for the highest level of sound quality from their home audio systems, as well as for computer users who like to get the best output quality from their Workstations or Notebooks. No need to use a low-fi inbuilt soundcard. Furthermore users can upgrade their micro hifi system (portable CD, MD... as far as they provide a digital output) to a real high-end solution.

NEW in the MKII Version: LowNoise power supply, with 10dB quiter power output.
Our designers created a completely new LowNoise powersupply. Now the power output delivers with 10dB lower noise, cleaner energy and has a higher efficiency. Some better prefilters where added to bann the dirt also in lower frequencys. At the powersupplys output resides a linear regulator. The result is audible. And the sound of the MKII is now better even under bad power conditions.


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