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[討論] Passive glasses 3D system + full HD is coming









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本帖最後由 r32 於 2011-5-11 13:37 編輯

http://www.tomsguide.com/us/Real ... evil,news-8097.html

RealD Bringing Full HD Passive 3D in 2011
2:50 PM - September 23, 2010 - By Kevin Parrish -
Source : Tom's Guide US

During the 3rd Annual 3D Entertainment Summit, RealD president and co-founder Josh Greer said that licensees will be able to offer the world's first Full HD passive 3D HDTVs in 2011. This means that consumers will no longer need to shell out $130 to $200 for a pair of active-shutter glasses, but rather use a pair similar to ones offered in theaters that cost just a buck.

According to Greer, the RealD system uses a patented electro-optical "ZScreen" technology that’s inserted into the front of a flat panel. This system rapidly changes the light from clockwise circular polarization to counterclockwise, and then back again.

The RealD glasses have circular polarized passive lenses that simulate shutters. The left image will go to the left eye while blacking out the right image from the right eye--the right image will go to the right eye while blocking the left image from the left eye. Like current 3D HDTVs, the images are displayed sequentially on the flat panel.

The benefits of using RealD's ZScreen technology include lighter, cheaper glasses that don't require recharging or replacing batteries. Additionally, the 3D effect won't be lost when someone walks between the 3D HDTV and the glasses, as ZScreen doesn't use an infra-red sync emitter.

Greer said that RealD's passive 3D solution won't replace the current active-shutter offering, but will be sold alongside the older 3D tech for at least the next four to five years. Products are expected to hit the market in Spring 2011, however the first licensed RealD HDTV manufacturers to bring passive 3D HDTVs to the market--either Sony, JVC, Samsung, Toshiba or Panasonic--has yet to be determined.

Greer plans to showcase the new technology during CES 2011 in January.








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 樓主| 發表於 2011-5-11 13:28 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 r32 於 2011-5-11 13:53 編輯


Samsung/Real D Z-Screen Full HD Passive 3D TV

Months ago we learned about this upcoming technology. We arranged for a screening off site at RealD’s hotel suite. We were not disappointed. The demo model: a highly modified 55-inch Samsung LED LCD TV.

We met with RealD’s president Bob Mayson. He laid out the ground rules, no photos of the prototype and deferred all product production questions to Samsung (they would not discuss it other than tell us it is not currently planned as a 2011 product). Nevertheless, we were able to get a demonstration and general explanation of the technology.

The Z-screen 3D TV is two LCD panels in one. A Full HD LCD panel with LED back light and a second LCD screen attached directly in front of the main panel called a Z-screen.

The front Z-screen panel flips its circular polarization every 120th of second, allowing the use of passive 3D glasses. To solve technical issues, the TV backlight scans from top to bottom during each frame, while the Z-screen sequentially flips its polarization in sections from the top to the bottom of the screen. The result was outstanding. Unlike the passive 3D Film Patterned Retarder (FPR) technology seen in the all upcoming Vizio and select LG and Toshiba 3D models, the Real D prototype produced a full HD image (1920 x 1080) without scan lines. There was no loss of the 3D effect when moving one’s eyes in excess of 13 degrees above or below center, as occurs with FPR. Nor did we see any compression of depth as we moved left or right of center. Questions remain are to when will it arrive and how much of a cost the second LCD panel add to the price.








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 樓主| 發表於 2011-5-11 13:33 | 顯示全部樓層
唔怪得LG搶住出"1080p"update啦, 大家想買偏光式3DTV, 唔好咁快落搭.
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