"It shows 1080i for the left eye and 1080i for the right eye." > 佢講明每眼1080i, 咪類同CRT嘅1080i囉;
同時(LG的)偏光式, 或跟avs稱passive 3D glasses system > 左眼永遠只能看到panel的單數線, 右眼永遠只能看到panel的雙數線........
How to display 1080p signal in 540 lines???? > 將1080p(每眼)訊號, 擠在540線分兩次顯示
"Passive glasses 3D system" 3DTV夢想出足1080p, 可以 :
1. Twin projector;
2. LG passive 3D projector with LCOS x 6;
3. Wait for the 4k panel