i got the Zodiac+, and recently added the Voltikus, the improvement is significant. highly ...
turboturbo 發表於 2011-5-19 13:38
Ching, How much is the Zodiac Gold DAC and Voltikus separately ?
The listed price of Zodiac Gold is around 58k, I believe !
Is Votikus a power supply ?
yes, the Voltikus is the power supply. If you get it with the gold as a combo, the p ...
turboturbo 發表於 2011-5-20 12:24
Ching, Welborne(US$234.00 (factory assembled) ), paul hynes design (SR3-18)都有出針對Zodiac+的PSU,不過Voltikus就真係貴價wor。。。。
The SR3-18 costs £270 and the matching DC3C high performance DC lead terminated with a switchcraft DC connector for the Zodiac+ costs £40. Insured carriage and packing in the UK is £10, to europe is £20 and to the rest of the world is £30.