Sharing some pictures of my home theatre inside my small room.
Screen:Cyrus 80 inch
Projector:Panasonic AE4000
AV receiver:Denon 4311
Amplifier:Marantz PM11S2
CD player:Marantz SA15S2
Bluray player:Oppo 93
L/R speakers:Dynaudio Focus 110
Center speaker:Dynaudio Focus 200c
Rear speakers:Dynaudio Excite X12
Subwoofere:JL Audio FAthom F110
Very nice setup and it seems the whole flat is only used for AV. Great! With the space, you can place floor stand speakers.
Just one comment - I don't see any other furniture, and I think they should be arrived soon right? If not there might be too much echo and feedback etc as there seems nothing to absorb sound waves.
Agreed with ekylam hing should used floor stand speaker instead of bookself speaker...
Also, need to do some room accoustic to reduce sound 反射... 房太光要做吸光及要地面放carpet 吸音/光..