原帖由 mrhing 於 2008-8-1 08:56 發表 
Thanks 洋蔥頭 and 小瑟
some follow up questions
1) for LPCM and dolby digital, as I found that most of the PS3 games and BR disc has this label behide the box, so when I playing these game and movi ...
1) for LPCM and dolby digital, as I found that most of the PS3 games and BR disc has this label behide the box, so when I playing these game and movie, should I use which one for my setting?
洋蔥兄已經解釋左, 總之有LPCM或HD AUDIO FORMAT既碟, 你就 SET LPCM咁出 AMP, 如果係舊果D DD5.1/DTS, 就用 BITSTREAM出就得架勒, 你可以開左隻碟之後先係 AV SETTING入面攪既!!
2) so what about the other video setting in PS3? like RGB xxxx and another one forget the name, is it useful for soling the 殘影 probelm? As it is very very very serious, unsmooth and so annoying. For my 40W300, what is the picture frequence? can I set it for playing BR?
RGB同Y Pb / Cb Pr / Cr 呢個應該係 FOR顏色既, 對殘影應該唔關事的. 你試下係 PS3既 MENU入面, 將 "BD 1080p 24Hz輸出(HDMI)"關左佢, 再睇下碟睇下會唔會好好多!! 我就覺得好好多勒!!!~
3) Can talk more about the 24P function? as seems it should be good for movie but not good for LCD panel. But why this have no problem for other display platform (I guess)?
24P即係每秒有24格圖片係電影菲林內, 即係每秒有24格既更新率, 一般睇電視有 50格, 而因為電影菲林本身就係 24格, 而blu-ray本身既收錄又係收 24格來收錄, 所以理論上用返 24p來睇就一定係最有電影感既, 不過以我個人既經驗來睇, 如果部 LCD TV係冇100/120HZ果D類似功能既, 就算快到 6微秒既 LCD TV, 用 24P來睇 BLU-RAY碟, 都一樣有幾明顯既殘影呢, 如果唔開呢個24P既功能, 就會用返 3:2 PULLDOWN技術去處理整成 60HZ, 咁即係每秒變返 60格, 殘影問題就會小好多呢!!!
4) 坊間有幾隻專門調效器材既碟可供你選擇----> any recommendation?
唔記得個名, 等其他師兄答!!
以上只係小弟既經驗之談, 唔一定岩, 我都係睇埋睇埋D AV書學返來....有錯勿叫我 PROVE!!;P |