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[藍光播放機] Onkyo 705 has problem with Samsung TV!!









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發表於 2011-4-4 07:57 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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After more than 2 years using the Onkyo 705. Just discover it remote signal is affected by the TV!!

I remember sometime back, when I changed to a Samsung TV, the Onkyo since to have some minor problem with its remote control. (You have to press couple time before it response! Tried with different remote and get the same results, though that was a receiver board problem and did not wanna take the whole unit back for service.

Until recently, the problem getting so serious, cannot even use on setup function. So I called the service centre, they asked if I am using Panasonic TV. because they mentioned it might happened if used with Panasonic TV. I said "No! I am not using pan TV!" So, I was suggested to take it back for service.

Just before I am going to leave home, I tried it again after removed it from the shelf! Wa la, everything is ok! super quick response. So I thought it must be some interference from all the electrical cables behind the unit. SO I relocate the unit to a different position and re-arrange all the cables. Everything is fine until, until I start to do the setup again!

Good god! it was the TV, everytime the TV is on, the remote will be affected! even with or without the HDMI connection.
Not sure if there is any cure!
Any Ching have the same experience with onkyo??
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