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大家對 Soundtrack 都有不同程度既喜好,其實除了音樂部份之外,亦靠 Sound Effect 配合並進行配音而成 ...
今日無意間發現呢套新力電影特殊音響效果 (10 CD),當中部份音效仲包含左 5.1 聲道既獨立六條聲軌,
相信從事影視既制作人就幾有用! 唔知香港有無得賣? 據聞外國要賣成 400 元美金左右。

Sony Media Software is proud to present the Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series: Volumes One through Ten, a master collection of
professional grade sound effects and dynamic audio design tailor-made to help elevate any production to the content quality standards
of the Hollywood entertainment industry.
Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series: Vol 1-10 Specifications
The sounds in this astonishing series were hand-picked from Sony's expansive archives, one of the most recognized and respected in cinema.
This ten-disc set contains over 2,300 effects in a wide assortment of categories, from 5.1 surround sound explosions and vintage armaments
to twisted sci-fi backgrounds, comedy vocals, and a wide selection of vehicles and aircraft. Also included are liner notes and interviews
with some of the genre's most in-demand creators. Unlock the full potential of your artistic vision with the most exciting sounds ever
Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series: Vol 1-5
Sony is proud to announce the launch of the Sony Pictures Sound EffectsTM Series - five volumes of sound effects and dynamic audio d
esign, tailor-made to elevate your productions to the content quality standards of the Hollywood entertainment industry. For the first
time, Sony Pictures Entertainment is opening its vaults to make a massive archive of audio material available to producers everywhere.
From rollercoasters, room tones and rocket launchers, to biplanes, Bengal tigers, and bar room brawls, this debut release includes
a wide range of essential sound effects categories, distributed generously across five volumes packed full of exciting, exclusive material.
With over 1,200 high-quality effects in various lengths and styles, you're sure to find just the sounds you're looking for. And there's much
more to come, with future volumes highlighting all areas of the silver screen, including science fiction, comedy, action, and more. The Sony
Pictures Sound Effects Series will provide you with everything you need to select, layer and transform even the most elemental effects into
expertly crafted sound design creations to compliment all your projects. With the ongoing support of one of the world's largest and most
successful studios, the possibilities are endless.
Volume 1-5 Audio Samples
Volume 1: Animals / Natural Elements
From farm critters and house pets, to jungle cats and reptiles, this disc pairs a variety of animal sounds with rich elemental effects like
wind, fire, water, and earth movement.
Volume 2: Backgrounds
Indoor or outdoor, loud or soft, up close or far away, these long-format files provide the backbone ambiances that will hold your scenes
together. No collection is complete without them.
Volume 3: Home & Office / Impacts / Weapons & Explosions
This arsenal of sound effects will accent any situation, from the battlefield to the office. Choose from over 400 effects, ranging from
automatic weapons and massive explosions, to everyday household appliances.
Volume 4: Vintage Comedy / Sports & Recreation / Vocals & Wallas
This essential volume contains an anthology of comedic music and Foley, a touch of sports, and an assortment of single and group vocals,
to create equal parts flavor and humor.
Volume 5: Vehicles
Enjoy a wide assortment of sounds generated by a variety of vehicles, from fighter jets and helicopters, to 18-wheelers, muscle cars,
motorcycles, and trains. Also included are crash effects and various door and key movements.
Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series: Vol 6-10
From WWII-era battlefields and busy New York street corners to mind-bending sci-fi sound design and 5.1 surround sound explosions,
the second set in the series contains over 1,100 professional-grade sound effects in more than 20 categories, plus extensive liner
notes and interviews with respected industry professionals.
With this second installment of our Sony Pictures Sound EffectsTM Series, Sony brings the hallmarks of quality and diversity to filmic
auteurs everywhere. Creating your very own piece of cinematic expression has never been easier. We feel you should have the best possible
set of quality auditory options available to you at a price you can afford. It's that simple.
Where the first five volumes looked to satisfy the tangible elements of the sound effects world-household items, vocals and wallas,
animals, the elements-the next five move further into the intangible world of expert sound design. Explore the outer limits of science
fiction, pick and choose from a variety of nail-biting horror soundscapes, or catapult your mind into the realm of the fantastic with
hand-picked sonic elements from some of cinema's most imaginative films.
Sony has fired up the wayback machine to bring you everything from Civil War era battle scenes to a choice selection of antique automobiles
spanning four decades. They've also taken sound design to the next level by supplying you with a series of layerable, 5.1 surround sound
explosions. Adjust each channel to your own satisfaction, boost the sub, or remove elements to get a stripped down quadraphonic sound.
What's more, a booklet includes interviews with five of the industry's most prominent, influential sound design professionals, each one
divulging tricks of the trade that helped put them where they are today.
As the Sony Pictures repertoire grows, so will the collections, bringing you the most cutting edge effects, Foley, and sound design from
some of the film world's most talented creators. The Sony Pictures Sound Effects Series is your master key to unlocking the full potential of
your artistic vision-an indispensable tool for new filmmakers or seasoned professionals looking to add something really special to those cavernous audio vaults.
This set of supernatural tones, textures, vocals, and otherworldly devices is perfect for adding
futuristic and suspenseful undertones to any project. Prepare yourself for the outer limits.
From guns and ammo to body falls and old school kung fu action sequences, this disc has all you
need to design the ultimate action sequence. Also included, 14 sets of layerable, 5.1 surround sound explosions.
No collection is complete without a wide array of backgrounds and natural elements. These effects are long,
clean, and ready to drop right into your editing timeline.
Hitch a ride in the way back machine to harvest this collection of period
sound effects. From WWII-era battlefields and antique cameras to the sounds of the old West, this disc has it all.
Bump around in a vintage stake bed pick-up, strap yourself into a big rig, or forego the motor all together and
hitch a ride on a horse drawn cart.
[ 本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2008-7-10 05:50 編輯 ] |