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NAS : Synology® Announces the Official Release of DiskStation Manager 3.1









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發表於 2011-3-3 01:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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Taipei, Taiwan—March 1, 2011—Synology® Inc. today announced the official release of DiskStation Manager 3.1 (DSM 3.1) OS. Its successful beta program attracted over 10,000 users in just 40 days. Synology commits to provide periodic free NAS server OS updates that benefits users to continue to enjoy the latest technologies and new functionalities.

“DSM 3.1 builds on the award winning DSM 3.0 with additional consumer and business features to exhibit Synology’s enthusiasm to answer users’ requests and demands,” said Rosiel Lee, product manager of Synology Inc.

DSM 3.1 brings users a wealth of upgrades and benefits:

•Elevating management efficiency - Multiple volumes on a single RAID allows users to expand volume size dynamically and manage storage effectively. Sharing of print/fax/scan on multifunction printers increases the efficiency of various operations. Furthermore, enhanced File Browser performs database index to file name, advanced search criteria, and preview of documents, images or video, delivering quick search.
•Increasing data availability - Synology Hybrid RAID supports dual disks redundancy. Furthermore, the Shared Folder Sync feature allows users to synchronize specific folders from one DiskStation to another on real time basis. Users will be able to share documents seamlessly and have an immediate backup DiskStation up and running right away in case of hardware failure. In addition, backing up the same shared folder to multiple destinations is now supported for more layers of protection. Windows ACL support now allows data to be restored along with its preconfigured access permission settings.
•Enriching the capabilities of mobile devices, including iPad® - Three iPad-native applications - DS cam, DS photo+ and DS audio are available, offering intuitive hands-on experience. AirPrint® support allows users wirelessly print documents from iPhone® and iPad® to any AirPrint-enabled printers connected to DiskStation. Moreover, the new DS file application allows users of iPhone to download and upload documents from and to DiskStation.
•Extending multimedia enjoyment - Download Station not only supports searching of desired files and RSS feeds, but also allows users to preview and select files at torrent startup. Audio Station showcases an equalizer, a mini player, personal playlists and editable ID3 Tags. Furthermore, Photo Station allows every account user to host his or her own photo album and blog and supports sharing of photos to facebook, twitter, and PlurkTM.
•Boosting surveillance intelligence - Surveillance Station 5 can be operated on Internet Explorer®, Firefox® and Chrome®. The Smart Search feature allows users to detect any motions, missing and foreign objects, camera occlusion as well as focus lost, and adjust image quality for detailed viewing.

Official download : http://www.synology.com/support/download.php?lang=enu
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