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Media player: Dune HD firmware update (110225_1222) 1/March









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HDI Dune has released a new "stable" firmware update. The firmware update has
version number 110225_1222. This update provides a lot of new functions and
improvements implemented in previous beta versions to all users of Dune HD
media players.

The new stable firmware version is basically equivalent to latest beta
version 110127_2105_beta, and includes all the new functions and improvements
implemented in this beta version. Additionally, it includes also several
other fixes.

HDI Dune also expects to release soon the next beta firmware version, which
will include further new functions and improvements (such as: a new graphical
interface, built-in SHOUTCast and RadioTime Internet radio services, support
for CUE sheets, support for chapters in MKV files, an improved version of DVD
playback engine, additional settings, etc).

As always, this firmware update is provided for all generations of Dune HD
media players, including both all new models and all outdated/discontinued
- Dune HD Ultra
- Dune HD Mini
- Dune BD Prime
- Dune HD Center
- Dune HD Base
- Dune HD Base 2.0
- Dune BD Prime 3.0
- Dune HD Base 3.0
- Dune HD Max
- Dune HD Smart H1
- Dune HD Smart D1
- Dune HD Smart B1
- Dune HD Duo
- Dune HD Lite 53D

The firmware update can be downloaded and installed via either the built-in
online firmware upgrade function of Dune HD media players, or using the
official Dune HD firmware web site:
http://files.dune-hd.com/firmwar ... _h1_110225_1222.dff

The list of changes in the firmware version 110225_1222 since the version

- Bugfix: Specific M2TS files could not be played.

- Bugfix: Specific MP4 files (such as files from specific video cameras)
could be played without sound on HDMI output.

- Bugfix: DVB-T channels scan failed in specific cases in some

- Bugfix: icons loading could fail in some cases for some applications
(such as KartinaTV).

- Bugfix: some Blu-ray discs could not be played in specific cases
("Securiry Violation" error was produced).

- Bugfix: Restarting optical disc playback (after stopping the playback of
the same disc) could not work in some cases.
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