I got both of them.
My comment is both video quality is better than DVD but not yet reached the blu-ray standard. Alan's blu-ray audio is quite good, with 4 tracks to choose and have subtitles, if you are his big fan, should have one.
But that both blu-ray discs are recorded and produced by Wellfit Production Ltd, next time I will be very very careful!!!
衛蘭我都岩岩睇完,初期真係嚇一跳,唔知係咪現場比較黑,d黑位雜訊好似睇dvd up 1080咁樣,後期係好小小,但絕對談唔上標準既高清質數,而歌就無得頂勒,我都好小睇演唱會會由頭睇到尾無skip過,仲要首首唱足全首無欺場,唱功亦都比上勁歌果d節目有進步,抵讚!如果喜愛衛蘭既歌值得一睇!而我隻bd係朋友送既,所以覺得超值!XDDDDD