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[討論] CDJAPAN jetso









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發表於 2010-12-30 10:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 r32 於 2010-12-30 10:52 編輯

Since its first release in June this year, SHM-SACD has provided ultimate music experience for audio enthusiasts. Now, we are offering a BUY 4 GET 1 FREE offer for all 73 SHM-SACD titles listed in this page!

How the Offer Works
1. Purchase any combination of 4 SHM-SACD titles listed in this page to get another one free. Offer applies to every set of 4 titles you purchase, which means that you'll get 2 titles for free for a purchase of 8, 3 for a purchase of 12, and so on.
2. After you complete your purchase, a link to the page consisting of the same titles will be included in the order confirmation email.
Important Notes
1. It will take 1-2 extra weeks for the order to become available for shipping after you select your free SHM-SACD.
2. It won't be possible to make any change to your choice of FREE SHM-SACD after you make your selection.
3. After you make your choice, it won't be possible to make any change to your order, in order to enable an arrangement to send your free SHM-SACD free of extra charge.
4. If your purchase consists only of items in stock, our site will prevent the order from entering the shipping process for 3 days to allow for the time to make your selection.
5. The offer does not apply if you select "Ship future releases separately" option and each shipment includes less than 4 SHM-SACD titles.
6. To receive this offer you must place an order including at least 4 copies of any titles listed in this page between November 08 6:00:00 PM and December 31, 2010 11:59:59 PM (Japan Standard Time GMT+9). 7. Releases of titles listed on this page may be subject to cancellations by the record company.

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