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Media Player: ioBox 100HD (100516) latest firmware









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發表於 2010-10-15 13:30 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2010-10-15 14:43 編輯

會遲 d 係 dragontech 個 website 出

可 pm 小弟留 email, 俾有興趣嘅 Ching 試咗先

Release Date : 14 Oct 2010
Firmware Version : 50-17-100516-15-RTD-402-000

Release Notes:
1. Requires NMT applications 00-17-091216-15-RTD-402
2. Added: show % during for firmware update download
3. Added: trickmode (pause, FF, volume) for RTSP, where applicable
4. Added: special characters handling for WiFi SSID
5. Added: Shoutcast Internet radio
6. Added: missing Slovenian subtitle language
7. Changed: full screen IDX/SUB rendering now, instead of bottom half display only in previous release
8. Changed: new music playback UI with album art/metadata
9. Changed: new Transmission BT client 1.75 (need new NMT app installed)
10. Fixed: Wifi fail to connect to non-broadcast SSID
11. Fixed: Arabic Tashkeel shaping error in external text subtitle
12. Fixed: certain IDX/SUB file cannot be displayed due to incorrect language ID indexing (Bug #5000274)
13. Fixed: large IDX/SUB file cannot be displayed (Bug #5000277)
14. Fixed: screen black-out for certain Video_ts playback via SAMBA
15. Fixed: DVD bad region error message display
16. Fixed: issue where certain image file containing EXIF tag will cause black screen during music playback
17. Fixed: incorrect volume OSD display during ISO/IFO playback when mute->unmute
18. Fixed: issue when browsing PlayOn server
19. Fixed: file copy over 4GB from FAT filesystem will hang
20. Fixed: NFS cannot read some folders when root level contain many folders
21. Fixed: colorspace for SD/HD file playback
22. Fixed: IDX/SUB data decoding error causing garbled rendering with certain files
23. Fixed: IDX/SUB with multiple languages
24. Removed: Casgle iDVR


NMT Applications Version : 00-17-091216-15-RTD-402

Release Notes :

1. Minimum firmware version to use this NMT App is 50-17-100516-15-RTD-402-000
2. New Transmission BT client version 1.75

Unzip all files into the root of your USB disk/thumbdrive. Browse to usbupdate.html to update.
Ensure NO power failure occurs during upgrade process, otherwise firmware in ioBox-100HD may be DAMAGED.
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