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Sergio Leone Anthology









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<STRONG>Fox</STRONG> and <B>MGM Home Entertainment</B> have announced the Region 1 DVD release of <B>The Sergio Leone Anthology</B> for 5th June 2007. Available in the UK since April 2005 the remastered and feature packed editions of Sergio Leone’s <B>A Fistful of Dollars</B>, <B>For A Few Dollars More</B> and <B>Duck, You Sucker (A Fistful of Dynamite)</B> are finally headed to Region 1 DVD as Two-Disc Collector’s Editions this summer alongside a newly packaged and Fox distributed <B>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (Collector's Edition)</B>. <BR><BR>All four titles are priced individually at $26.98 SRP each, or available as part of <B>The Sergio Leone Anthology</B> box-set which retails at $89.98 SRP. <BR><BR>Bonus content appears to match the UK DVD releases, while <B>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly</B> offers the same bonus features as the last MGM Collector’s Edition DVD release. <BR><BR><B>A Fistful of Dollars Collector’s Edition</B>
<LI>Fully Restored and Remastered Feature
<LI>2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
<LI>English DD5.1 Surround
<LI>Spanish Dolby Surround
<LI>English, French and Spanish subtitles
<LI>Audio Commentary by film historian Sir Christopher Frayling
<LI><I>A New Kind Of Hero Featurette</I>
<LI><I>A Few Weeks In Spain Featurette</I> - Clint Eastwood on the experience of making the film
<LI><I>Tre Voici Featurette</I> - Three friends, Alberto Grimaldi, Sergio Donati and Mickey Knox, remember A Fistful Of Dollars
<LI><I>Not Ready For Primetime Featurette</I> - Monte Hellman discussion on The Prologue Shot for the first TV release to legitimize The Man With No Name’s immoral killing
<LI>Additional Scene – The Network Prologue (with Harry Dean Stanton)
<LI><I>Location Comparisons: Intercutting Film Clips with Current Footage Of Locations Used Featurette</I>
<LI>10 Radio Spots
<LI>Double Bill Trailer
<LI>Eight-page booklet</LI></UL><BR><B>For A Few Dollars More Collector’s Edition</B>
<LI>Fully Restored and Remastered Feature
<LI>2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
<LI>English DD5.1 Surround
<LI>French and Spanish Dolby Surround
<LI>English, French and Spanish subtitles
<LI>Audio Commentary by film historian Sir Christopher Frayling
<LI><I>A New Standard Featurette</I> - Frayling on For A Few Dollars More
<LI><I>Back For More Featurette</I> - Clint Eastwood remembers For A Few Dollars More
<LI><I>Tre Voici Featurette</I> - Three friends, Alberto Grimaldi, Sergio Donati and Mickey Knox, remember For A Few Dollars More
<LI><I>For A Few Dollars More: The Original American Release Verions Featurette</I> - alternate scenes/alternate releases
<LI><I>Location Comparisons: Intercutting Film Clips with Current Footage Of Locations Used Featurette</I>
<LI>12 Radio Spots
<LI>Original Theatrical Trailer
<LI>Double Bill Trailer
<LI>Eight-page booklet</LI></UL><BR><B>Duck, You Sucker (Fistful of Dynamite) Collector’s Edition</B>
<LI>Fully Restored and Remastered 157-Minute Feature Not Originally Released in U.S. Theaters
<LI>2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
<LI>English DD5.1 Surround
<LI>French and Spanish Dolby Surround
<LI>English, French and Spanish subtitles
<LI>Audio Commentary by film historian Sir Christopher Frayling
<LI><I>The Myth Of Revolution Featurette</I> - Frayling on Leone’s political leanings and his <BR>maturing method and style
<LI><I>Sergio Donati Remembers Duck You Sucker Featurette</I>
<LI><I>Once Upon A Time In Italy Featurette</I> - Behind-the-scenes of putting together an exhibit on Leone
<LI><I>Sorting Out The Versions Featurette</I> - A look at the different versions of the film including the originally released 100-minute version and the 157-minute version included on this disc, the long flashback scene and United Artists’ decision to rename the film
<LI><I>Restoration Italian Style Featurette</I> - John Kirk discusses restoring the original Italian version for the first time on DVD
<LI><I>Location Comparisons: Intercutting Film Clips with Current Footage Of Locations Used Featurette</I>
<LI>Six Radio Spots
<LI>Original Theatrical Trailer
<LI>Eight-page booklet</LI></UL><BR><B>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Collector’s Edition</B>
<LI>2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
<LI>English DD5.1 Surround
<LI>English, French and Spanish subtitles
<LI>Audio Commentary by film historian Richard Schickel
<LI>Leone’s West Documentary
<LI>The Leone Style Documentary
<LI>The Man Who Lost The Civil War Documentary
<LI>Reconstructing The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Featurette
<LI>Il Maestro: Ennio Morricone and The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Featurette
<LI>Il Maestro Part II Featurette
<LI>Deleted Scenes
<LI>Extended Tuco Torture Scene
<LI>The Socorro Sequence: A Reconstruction
<LI>French Trailer
<LI>4 Easter Eggs:
<LI>Italian Lunch
<LI>New York Actor
<LI>Gun In Holster</LI></UL>
<LI>Poster Gallery
<LI>Original Theatrical Trailer
<LI>Five Collectible Postcards
<LI>Eight-page booklet</LI></UL>
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