妖, 真係忍唔住買咗! 3.4k incl 4g class4, small tripod, protective plastic, extra battery, original leather case, disney bag (for baby) and reebok 水壺... should have card reader but forget to take....
原帖由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-3-14 10:38 發表
妖, 真係忍唔住買咗! 3.4k incl 4g class4, small tripod, protective plastic, extra battery, original leather case, disney bag (for baby) and reebok 水壺... should have card reader but forget to take... ...
原帖由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-3-14 10:38 發表
妖, 真係忍唔住買咗! 3.4k incl 4g class4, small tripod, protective plastic, extra battery, original leather case, disney bag (for baby) and reebok 水壺... should have card reader but forget to take... ...
原帖由 ronaldlaw 於 2008-3-14 10:38 發表
妖, 真係忍唔住買咗! 3.4k incl 4g class4, small tripod, protective plastic, extra battery, original leather case, disney bag (for baby) and reebok 水壺... should have card reader but forget to take... ...