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Media Player: XtreamerPro v2.4 firmware update (Aug 23, 2010)









Rank: 5Rank: 5


76-FC 藍寶石勲章

發表於 2010-8-23 16:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


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You can download from here:
http://www.xtreamer.net/download ... rmware/ver-2-4.aspx

XtreamerPro firmware 2.4

Ver 2.4 New Features

(1) Subtitle Browser - You will be able to find this new option on the subtitle popup screen. It will allow you to select an external subtitle file on any location on your HDD. It will absolve you from the need to rename the subtitle to the same name as the movie file name and will free you from the need to place the subtitles on the same folder of the movie

(2) HD Audio Passthrough - (For Xtreamer Pro and Sidewinder models only ) This version introduces the long anticipated 7.1 Audio Passthrough to DTS-Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Digital Plus.

(3) Off Timer - The requested function which will allow you to set a time in which the device will be turned off was added. Search for it on the Settings -> System menu. You will have a choice now to set the time between 30-120 minutes

(4) NTP Client - The device was supplemented to adjust itself to a network time server. This will become handy once we will introduce you in the near future the "Recently added files" which will use the device time as reference point

(5) Recently Watched Movies - This Function was added to the media library. you will see this option once you will go into the media library initial screen. press [1] on the remote control will display a popup screen with the list of the last 10 movies played on the device. You will have an option to remove items from the list as well.

(6) Online Download & update mechanisms for Xtreamer live + Jukebox - This release introduced the ability to download the Xtreamer Live and the Community Jukebox directly from our server provided that you agree to the terms outlined on the opening screen.
This function will also allow users to perform online updates as they are made available by the community

(7) Restricted Porn Section - The XXX porn section on the Xteramer live will be automatically protected by the system default password . (0000) . The password is based on the 'Folder Lock' password and can be updated on the Settings page

(8) Hebrew TV GUI - was retranslated entirely so as to introduce a more localized experience to the various sections

(9) Auto creation of swap file - A default (64MB) swap file will be created while entering the Movie Jukebox to improve performance

(10) File Manager Improvements - We added enhanced functionality to the File manager function (New folder, Rename, Copy/Move, Delete) for network shares

(11) Password Protected Shares - We introduced in this firmware the ability to use a Username/Password option to log into protected network shares

(12) Improved Audio Streaming - We dramatically improved / enhanced the .mms support so as to allow you greater compatibility and stability with mms audio streams. This opens the way for you to add the majority of mms audio streams of your favorite radio stations. We also added the ability to use both “mms://” and “mmsh://” protocols

Example usage:
Arirang radio

(13) Video Format Support - We can now stream AVI & WMV3 video streams which allows the addition of many thousands of active streams and supports more services for developers and users to use to enhance the online streaming experience

(14) RTSP Streaming Format - We added “rtsp” protocol support for Internet section.

Example usage:
<title>test rtsp</title>
<enclosure type="video/mp4" url="rtsp://live2.ncnews.com.cn/sjb"/>

(15) We Modified the parser code for SMI file.

(16) RSS Local Movie Playback Improved - You can use all functions of “Media library” playback via the Internet section - allowing you to customise the way you display and play your movie collection

(17) SQLite version 3.5.4 and PHP-5.3.2 - Were added to the device system core

(18) Network Shares support via Xtreamer Web Server

o Listing all network shares
o Auto mount while click
o Play network media files using web media player
o Play network media files/folder directly on TV by clicking “Play” icon
o Download network shared files from Xtreamer web server
o Upload file to network shares
o File functions (New folder, Rename, Copy/Move, Delete) for network shares
o Zip/Archive option for network shares
o Direct file link for network share files

(19) Play files and folders remotely via WEB UI - Screen shot in web rc,rc2

a. Play files directly from web UI to TV
- Click Play button next to file name to play that file directly on TV
b. Play all files of a folder directly from web UI to TV
- Click Play button next to folder name to play the files of that folder
directly on TV
c. Playlist play option from web UI to TV
- You need to firstly create a playlist from web UI or TV if none exists
- Click Play button from playlist window (Video/Audio/Photo) to play that
playlist directly on TV
d. Play playlists from Web Remote Control to TV by one click
- You need to firstly create a playlist from web UI or TV if none exists
- Click Movies/Music/Photos button from web remote control to play
corresponding playlist directly on TV
e. Currently playing file information and remote control by viewing “TV Screen
- Currently playing file name is viewable from main page of “RC
- Click on that file name to see more information about
- Go to “RC” sub page and click “Screen Shot” button to control your TV
viewing screen shot
- Or go to “RC2” and click on TV icon at the left to control your TV viewing
screen shot
- Currently need to refresh page to see updated Screen Shot

2. Playlist auto run option after boot or reboot
a. Go to Setup->Playback->Auto Run and select the playlist you want to
play automatically
b. Whenever you will turn Xtreamer on or reboot your selected playlist
will be auto played
c. For photo playlist you need to select
“Setup->Playback->Background Music->Playlist” for background
music to be auto played

(20) HDMI Compatibility Improved - New settings available
A. We changed the default value of HDMI Compatibility Set.
B. We also changed the default value of HDMI Chroma Sub-sampling Set to 4:2:2(Standard Default)

(21) Subtitle Lock - We added the ability to display lock folder password on subtitle browser.

(22) Firmware Download system from internet - We added the ability to allow you to check for available updates from the internet and perform download and updates once your device is connected to the internet.

(23) HD audio support in MKV container - We added the ability to play DTS-HD up to 7.1 CH on mkv container. This function is applicable to XT pro and XT sidewinder only.

(24) Disk Spindown - Your device will become more quite, cooler and HDD life expectancy will increase. You will be able to set the HDD to turn off if idle after 10 min.
Go to “Settings->System->HDD Spindown” and turn on/off
When “on” disk will spindown after 10 minute
Supports from sda to sdf disks

(25) Youtube HD Support. The new VP6 On2Media coded allow users now to enjoy their youtube and Flash FLV content on HD .

(26) YouTube user account login in support - now you can login to your Youtune account and browse and play your "Uploaded", "Favorites" and your Youtube "Plyalists"

(27) Music playback during slideshows - we added Music Control box that allows you to choose background music from any folder as well as an ability to play music while watching slideshows from the Internet.








Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10


76 榮譽忠義勲章

發表於 2010-8-27 14:18 | 顯示全部樓層
昨晚up左,DTS MA & DD True非常暢順,之前睇唔字幕都搞翻掂,希望下個firmware可以播完整BD ISO 選單啦。








Rank: 5Rank: 5


76-FC 藍寶石勲章

 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-28 20:15 | 顯示全部樓層
Me too, some music couldn't played normally. After firmware update, all are played propriety now  ^^
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