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Nikon SLR photography DVD training









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【軟體名稱】:Nikon SLR photography DVD training(DVD转MP4格式)
【放置空間】:rapidshare 和 easy-share


Nikon SLR photography DVD training :

Hosted by National Geographic Traveler photographer Bob Krist, the DVDs take SLR camera owners on an entertaining and informative journey from the very basics of their Nikon digital SLR camera to advanced shooting situations where they can unlock their camera's potential. The first DVD, titled "Fast, Fun & Easy: Great Digital Pictures," delivers 35 minutes of helpful information, making it easy and fun for new Nikon D40 and D40x digital SLR camera owners to begin taking great pictures immediately. The second DVD, titled "Understanding Digital Photography," is great for picture-takers who are ready for the creative photographic opportunities available beyond their camera's automatic settings.

Nikon photography training DVD
"Understanding Digital Photography" covers fundamentals that are relevant to any modern digital SLR camera while featuring the easy-to-use Nikon D40 and Nikon D40x models, as well as the popular Nikon D80 and the professional-level Nikon D200. "Nikon believes that true customer satisfaction can only be realized when customers become comfortable and familiar with their cameras, enabling them to capture the pictures they've always dreamed of," said Edward Fasano, general manager for Marketing, SLR System Products at Nikon Inc. "Nikon is excited to offer two extremely valuable instructional tools that will help anyone become better familiarized with digital photography and their Nikon D-SLR camera. Useful tools, such as these DVDs, will help more Nikon customers get the most out of their cameras and from their picture-taking."

Bob Krist - National Geographic Traveler photographer
"Fast, Fun & Easy: Great Digital Pictures" brings one of the world's most friendly photographic experts into your living room and offers viewers a great primer on digital photography. From choosing the best shooting modes for different situations, to image transfers and printing, award-winning National Geographic Traveler photographer Bob Krist takes people through a fun day of shooting from start to finish.

Learn to shoot with Nikon's digital SLR cameras
"Understanding Digital Photography" makes it easier to unleash the potential of Nikon's digital SLR cameras. During this 45-minute DVD, Krist takes viewers beyond the automated features of their Nikon cameras and shares valuable insights about how to see and compose breathtaking photographs. Krist warmly shares his experience with shooting portraits, sports and action photographs, and teaches viewers how to take great pictures in low light and understand basic exposure fundamentals. Krist demonstrates these concepts in a clear, easy-to-understand style that makes it simple and exciting to go beyond the basics of digital photography.

About Nikon
Nikon, At the Heart of the Image. Nikon is the world leader in digital imaging, precision optics and photo imaging technology and is globally recognized for setting new standards in product design and performance for its award-winning consumer and professional photographic equipment. Nikon Inc. distributes the Nikon Total Imaging System of consumer and professional digital SLR cameras, Nikkor optics, Speedlights and System Accessories; Nikon Coolpix compact digital cameras; Nikon software products; CoolScan digital film scanners; 35mm film SLR cameras and Nikon sports and recreational optics. At the heart of every Nikon camera is Nikon's In-Camera Imaging Innovations, making it easy for anyone to take amazing digital pictures. Through the Nikon Spirit Initiative, the company, plays an active role in supporting aspiring and advanced photographers through a variety of philanthropic organizations, educational programs, events and workshops.


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Part 2:

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Part 5:
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