No AV amp or processor for 3 months. Thee long-waited Emotiva UMC-1 is still having bugs. Don't want to spend too much on processor. Not much choice of processor other than Onkyo but still expensive for a new one like the 5507. So I am thinking of buying a AV amp to use as processor only. Choices in mind are the Onkyo 708, 808 or Yamaha 1067, 2067 0r 3067 (but they are not yet available and 9.1 or 9.2 channel is preferred since I have a 5 and a 2 channel power amps). I once used the old Yamaha 1400 av amp as a pre-amp but found it was just as hot as using it as av amp. Is there any technical reason not good to use an av amp as a processor only?
Pioneer 500A
Mit HC4000 + OS Pure Matt II Plus
Logitech SBT
Classe SSP-25
Denon DN-A7100
Proceed Amp3
Parasound HCA-1000A
Nuforce STA-100
Revel F12/C12
Usher S520/SPL-12