用開 xtreamer, 但因為要 bitstream HD sound, 同埋想要 movie wall 既 interface...
睇左好多唔同 models... M3, N3, K8, C200, HDX1 ... etc..
最後我都係怕左 d 大陸廠既 support, 你都知佢地冇咩 management 可言, 隨時 firmware 講緊請一個人做..
一年半載可能 site 都摺埋...
finally 只係 choose C200 vs A200.. 因為我唔一定要 BD rom, 又唔係一定要 java BD menu..
呢 d 一年出唔知幾多代既產品都係 cheaper the better... 到時又換個部 ...
得到呢到 ching 介紹竟然有一間 online store 有售 A200. (我諗可能全港得一間.. 多數人都係 popcorn site 度訂)
呢間野唔係平.. 其實仲要貴 $1xx... 不過我覺得好值:
1. 可以 self pick up at tsuen wan (I live nearby and save delivery cost)
2. 出貨快.. Monday 訂, Friday 到 (I think popcorn cannot meet such service standard)
3. 有一年保養, 有問題佢地同我寄返 popcorn
price is $1765. It is around $100 more than buying from Popcorn directly.
From the web site, it says if more than 5 units there are additional discount ( not sure how much). You guys can check check but I couldn't wait because I want to play this weekend...